David Jimenez
David Jimenez

Reputation: 1

Dependent question with a lot of values in shinysurveys

I am making a Shinysurvey for some government agency. I have a dummy questionary.

This are the questions dataframe head

question option input_type input_id dependence dependence_value required
Nombre completo del personal que captura. Nombre Primer apellido Segundo apellido text nombre_personal NA NA TRUE
Cargo De acuerdo al organigrama text cargo NA NA TRUE
Correo electrónico En minúsculas text correo NA NA TRUE
Entidad federativa BAJA CALIFORNIA select entidad NA NA TRUE
Entidad federativa BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR select entidad NA NA TRUE
Entidad federativa CAMPECHE select entidad NA NA TRUE


question option input_type input_id dependence dependence_value required
CODE AAAAA055555 select code entidad ZACATECAS TRUE
CODE AAAAA055556 select code entidad ZACATECAS TRUE
¿Cuenta con energía eléctrica? y/n luz NA NA TRUE
¿Cuenta con energía eléctrica? No y/n luz NA NA TRUE
¿Cuenta con internet? y/n internet NA NA TRUE
¿Cuenta con internet? No y/n internet NA NA TRUE

This is the code I'm using. And it works.


df <- read.csv("cuestionario_previa.csv", encoding = "latin1")
ui <- fluidPage(
  surveyOutput(df = df,
               survey_title = "Servicios de Energia Electrica e Internet",
               survey_description = "Cuestionario rápido para el diagnostico de los servicios de luz e internet)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$submit, {
      title = "Congrats, you completed your first shinysurvey!",
      "You can customize what actions happen when a user finishes a survey using input$submit."

shinyApp(ui, server)

But, as you can see in the tail, I have a question called CODE which is a dependent one from the question "entidad".

i.e. If entidad == "COLIMA" I want a subset of CODE for this state.

With my dataframe I get this warning: Warning message: The select input "code" contains a large number of options; consider using server-side selectize for massively improved performance. See the Details section of the ?selectizeInput help topic.

I tried the ideas from: Is there any other way to create dependent survey questionnaire using R Shiny?

but couldn´t make it work

Also, I tried adding the selectize to my server

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  updateSelectizeInput(session, "clues")
  observeEvent(input$submit, {
      title = "Congrats, you completed your first shinysurvey!",
      "You can customize what actions happen when a user finishes a survey using input$submit."

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Views: 108

Answers (1)


Reputation: 11

the use of updateSelectizeInput seems to be wrong. It should be something like:

  updateSelectizeInput(session, 'id', choices = options, selected = character(0), server = TRUE)

where session is the session refering object, options is an character var with the full list of options to show, selected can be character(0) to show no default option or char string, and server = TRUE, that enables server side selectize.

I dont know how works the shinysurvey package, but you could develop the survey from scratch using nav_panel_hidden and working out the logic observing the answers.

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