Reputation: 23
I am trying to render a document as pdf using wickedpdf on a rails 7 app. It works fine BUT when I try to use the --header and --footer to print pdf as stationery, wicked/wkhtmltopdf just ignores the template html and the footer template, so I end up with a nice empty stationery page (header is rendered correctly with images and erb). I have read several posts here about the same problem but none helps my problem. Please help me, I should be missing some details These are the wickedpdf and wkhtmltopdf versions:
wicked_pdf (2.7.0)
wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)
Also... This is what bundle install shows:
Using wicked_pdf 2.7.0
Using wkhtmltopdf-binary
Using wkhtmltopdf-heroku
Here is the render command I'm using in the controller action that triggers the pdf directly:
def approve
@quotation.update(state: "autorizada")
render pdf: "cotizacion#{}",
template: 'authorize/approve',
layout: 'pdf',
page_size: 'letter',
page_height: '11in',
page_width: '8.5in',
default_header: false,
print_media_type: true,
formats: [:html],
margin: { top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 5, right: 5 },
header: { html: { template: 'layouts/pdf_header' }, layout: 'pdf' },
# This was also tried:
# footer: { html: { template: 'layouts/pdf_footer' }, layout: 'pdf' },
footer: { content: render_to_string('layouts/pdf_footer') },
delete_temporary_files: true
Here is the app/views/layouts/pdf.html.erb layout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= "Cotización: #{}" %></title>
<%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "pdf" %>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div id="upper-bar"></div>
<div id="lower-bar"></div>
<div style="padding: 0em 1em 0em 1em;">
<%= yield %>
This is the app/views/authorize/approve.html.erb template
<table class="show-table pdf-table" style="margin-left:15px;">
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><strong><%= number_to_currency( %></strong></td>
<h4>Please see below the quotation for the required service.</h4>
<% if @quotation.real_service_group.present? %>
<% @quotation.real_service_group.tap do |rsg| %>
<table class="cot-table">
<th colspan="4">Servicio: <%= rsg.title %></th>
<% servicio_total = 0 %>
<% rsg.real_segments.each do |rs| %>
<th>Segmento: <%= rs.title %></th>
<th colspan="3">Moneda: <%= rs.currency %></th>
<th>Precio Unitario</th>
<% rs_subtotal = 0 %>
<% rs.real_quote_lines.each do |rql| %>
<td><%= rql.quote_concept %></td>
<td><%= rql.quantity %></td>
<td><%= rql.unit_price %></td>
<td><%= number_to_currency(rql.quantity * rql.unit_price) %></td>
<% rs_subtotal += rql.quantity * rql.unit_price %>
<% end %>
<tr style="background-color: darkgrey;">
<td colspan="3" class="text-end">Subtotal:</td>
<td><%= number_to_currency(rs_subtotal) %></td>
<% servicio_total += rs_subtotal %>
<% end %>
<tr style="background-color: cadetblue;">
<td colspan="3" class="text-end">Total:</td>
<td><%= number_to_currency(servicio_total) %></td>
<% end %>
<div class="container text-center">
<p class="signature">Dirección</p>
<p class="signature">Mtro. – Dirección logística</p>
<div style="margin-left:220px;padding-left:100px;">
<p><%= image_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64('signature.jpg'), class: 'img-signature signature' %></p>
<p class="signature">HARD BOX COMPRA Y VENDE EN EL MUNDO S. de R. L de C.V</p>
<p class="signature">Director de logística</p>
<p class="signature">Tel: </p>
<p class="signature">Cel.: </p>
<p class="signature"></p>
<% end %>
<% if @quotation.notes.present? %>
<h3>Términos y Condiciones:</h3>
<% @quotation.notes.shift %>
<% @quotation.notes.each_with_index do |note, index| %>
<p style="border:2px solid rgb(234, 236, 236);border-radius:10px;padding:10px;text-align:left;"><%= index+1 %> ) <%= note %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This is app/views/layouts/pdf_header.html.erb
<div class="show-division-head">
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-100px;">
<%= image_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64('HBlogoFull.png'), class: 'img-fluid', size: '150x150' %>
<div style="float:right;">
<%= image_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64('hardboxAsegura.jpg'), class: 'img-fluid', size: '500x100' %>
<h4 style="float:right;">
Aguascalientes, Ags. <%=>
And this is app/views/layouts/pdf_footer.html.erb
<div class="footer-text">
<p>Av. Las Americas 65436. 100, neighborhood, 20239 Aguascalientes, Ags.</p>
<p>TEL: 449 343 45643, 449 6437</p>
I have tried several stackOverflow postings on this subject with no success, I've also tried several options, like if I put the header and footer code within the app/views/layouts/pdf.html.erb directly I get both header and foother AND the template content but header and footer only once and not in every page as it should be as in a stationery paper. I hope you can help me, thank you.
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