Reputation: 11441
I have the following BFS function from Cormen.
Definition of the shortest-path distance path(s,v) from s to v as the minimum number of edges in any path from vertex s to vertex v, or else if there is no path from s to v. A path of length path(s,v) from s to v is said to be a shortest path from s to v.
Following is lemma given
Let G = (V,E) be a directed or undirected graph, and let s belongs to V be an arbitrary vertex. Then, for any edge (u, v) E,
path(s,v) <= path(s,u) + 1 .
My question is why we have to have <= in above formula, i taught "=" is ok, can any one tell me one scenrio why we require <= ?
Below is BFS algorithm
Leema 2:
Let G = (V,E) be a directed or undirected graph, and suppose that BFS is run on G from a given source vertex s belongs to V. Then upon termination, for each vertex v belongs to V, the value d[v] computed by BFS satisfies d[v] >= path (s, v).
We use induction on the number of times a vertex is placed in the queue Q. Our inductive hypothesis is that d[v] >= path(s,v) for all v belongs to V.
The basis of the induction is the situation immediately after s is placed in Q in line 8 of BFS.
The inductive hypothesis holds here, because d[s] = 0 = path(s, s) and d[v] = path (s, v) for all v belongs to V - {s}.
My question is what does author mean by "We use induction on the number of times a vertex is placed in the queue Q" ? and how it is related to inductive hypothesis?
1 for each vertex u V[G] - {s}
2 do color[u] WHITE
3 d[u]
4 [u] NIL
5 color[s] GRAY
6 d[s] 0
7 [s] NIL
8 Q {s}
9 while Q
10 do u head[Q]
11 for each v Adj[u]
12 do if color[v] = WHITE
13 then color[v] GRAY
14 d[v] d[u] + 1
15 [v] u
18 color[u] BLACK
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Views: 640
Reputation: 148
For your first question, consider a complete graph with only three vertices. In this graph is it true that path(s,v) = path(s,u) + 1 ?
Upvotes: 6