Reputation: 754
I have followed this example here to add authentication and authorization to my application. However, when I try to call the application with the JWT token in the Authorization header (Authorization: Bearer ey...) it fails and redirects me back to authenticating.
I have this in code:
providerURI = "",
clientId = "my-app-id",
clientSecret = "my-app-secret",
redirectURI = "http://localhost:8080/myapp/oauth2/callback",
scope = "openid"
public class MyApp extends Application {
Then for my resource I have:
public class TestResource {
SecurityContext securityContext;
public String getName() {
return securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName();
Does this mean that this feature is not available on Payara micro? If so, then why does the authorization part work?
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Views: 73
Reputation: 754
This is the solution that I ended up doing for my question. I removed the OpenIdAuthenticationDefinition
annotation and implemented these interfaces as a solution:
Custom http authentication mechanism:
public class CustomHttpAuthenticationMechanism implements { ... }
Custom identity store:
public class CustomIdentityStore implements { ... }
Custom credential:
class CustomTokenCredential implements { ... }
Custom principal:
public class CustomPrincipal extends implements { ... }
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