
Reputation: 33

Haskell GriWorld Infinite loop

I'm trying to code a GridWorld simulation in Haskell via reinforcement learning. I'm stuck because I keep falling into an infinite loop on line 109. I've been staring at this problem for a week, and I reworked the code from scratch multiple times so I could use some help from someone else's point of view. 

This is output of my program:

Initial Grid:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 
Training Q-learning agent...
Q-learning training finished.
Final Grid:

Code is executed until line 109 (excluded).

visualizeGrid (\(x, y) -> maximum [finalQTable ((x, y), a) | a <- [minBound .. maxBound]])

Code is compiled fine. In error window (I'm using online enviroment) I got message Main: <<loop>>.

All the code below:

import System.Random
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Debug.Trace (trace)

type Position = (Int, Int)
type Reward = Float
type GridWorld = Position -> Reward
data Action = Up | Down | MoveLeft | MoveRight deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)

instance Show Action where
    show Up = "↑"
    show Down = "↓"
    show MoveLeft = "←"
    show MoveRight = "→"

step :: GridWorld -> Position -> Action -> (Position, Reward)
step world (x, y) action = case action of
    Up       -> ((x, max 0 (y-1)), world (x, max 0 (y-1)))
    Down     -> ((x, min 4 (y+1)), world (x, min 4 (y+1)))
    MoveLeft -> ((max 0 (x-1), y), world (max 0 (x-1), y))
    MoveRight-> ((min 4 (x+1), y), world (min 4 (x+1), y))

type QTable = ((Position, Action) -> Reward)

trainQ :: GridWorld -> QTable -> Float -> Float -> Int -> IO QTable
trainQ world qtable alpha gamma episodes = do
    gen <- newStdGen
    let actions = [minBound .. maxBound] :: [Action]
        positions = [(x, y) | x <- [0..4], y <- [0..4]]
    finalQTable <- snd <$> foldM (\(g, q) _ -> do
                                    let (q', g') = trainEpisode world q alpha gamma actions positions g
                                    return (g', q')) (gen, qtable) [1..episodes]
    return finalQTable

trainEpisode :: GridWorld -> QTable -> Float -> Float -> [Action] -> [Position] -> StdGen -> (QTable, StdGen)
trainEpisode world qtable alpha gamma actions positions gen = 
    let (startPos, newGen) = randomR (0, length positions - 1) gen
        startState = positions !! startPos
        (_, finalQTable, _) = foldl (\(prevPos, q, g) _ -> 
                                        let (newPos, _) = step world prevPos (chooseAction q newPos actions)
                                            (updatedQTable, _) = trainStep world q alpha gamma actions newPos
                                        in (newPos, updatedQTable, g)) 
                                    (startState, qtable, newGen) [1..10]
    in (finalQTable, newGen)

trainStep :: GridWorld -> QTable -> Float -> Float -> [Action] -> Position -> (QTable, Position)
trainStep world qtable alpha gamma actions pos =
    let action = chooseAction qtable pos actions
        (newPos, reward) = step world pos action
        oldValue = qtable (pos, action)
        futureValue = maximum [qtable (newPos, a) | a <- actions]
        newValue = oldValue + alpha * (reward + gamma * futureValue - oldValue)
        qtable' = \s -> if s == (pos, action) then newValue else qtable s
    in (qtable', newPos)

chooseAction :: QTable -> Position -> [Action] -> Action
chooseAction qtable (x, y) actions =
    let validActions = filter (\action -> isValidAction action (x, y)) actions
        bestAction = maximumBy (comparing (\a -> qtable ((x, y), a))) validActions
    in bestAction

isValidAction :: Action -> Position -> Bool
isValidAction Up    (_, y) = y > 0
isValidAction Down  (_, y) = y < 4
isValidAction MoveLeft  (x, _) = x > 0
isValidAction MoveRight (x, _) = x < 4

runAgent :: GridWorld -> QTable -> Position -> [Action] -> IO ()
runAgent world qtable pos actions = do
    putStrLn $ "Current Position: " ++ show pos
    let action = chooseAction qtable pos actions
    putStrLn $ "Chosen Action: " ++ show action
    let (newPos, reward) = step world pos action
    putStrLn $ "Action: " ++ show action ++ ", Reward: " ++ show reward
    if newPos == pos
        then do
            putStrLn "Agent is stuck! Generating random action."
            gen <- newStdGen
            let (randomActionIndex, newGen) = randomR (0, length actions - 1) gen
                randomAction = actions !! randomActionIndex
            putStrLn $ "Random Action: " ++ show randomAction
            let (newPos', reward') = step world pos randomAction
            putStrLn $ "Random Action Result: " ++ show randomAction ++ ", New Position: " ++ show newPos' ++ ", Reward: " ++ show reward'
            runAgent world qtable newPos' actions
        else do
            putStrLn $ "New Position: " ++ show newPos
            runAgent world qtable newPos actions

visualizeGrid :: GridWorld -> IO ()
visualizeGrid world = mapM_ putStrLn [concat [show (round (world (x, y))) ++ " | " | x <- [0..4]] | y <- [0..4]]

gridWorld :: GridWorld
gridWorld (x, y) = fromIntegral (x + y)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "Initial Grid:"
    visualizeGrid gridWorld
    putStrLn "Training Q-learning agent..."
    let initialQTable = \_ -> 0.0
        alpha = 0.1
        gamma = 0.9
        episodes = 4
    finalQTable <- trainQ gridWorld initialQTable alpha gamma episodes
    putStrLn "Q-learning training finished."
    putStrLn "Final Grid:"
    visualizeGrid (\(x, y) -> maximum [finalQTable ((x, y), a) | a <- [minBound .. maxBound]])
    putStrLn "Running agent:"
    runAgent gridWorld finalQTable (0, 0) [minBound .. maxBound]


On line 42: let (newPos, _) = step world prevPos (chooseAction q newPos actions) the newPosin call of chooseAction is supposed to be prevPos. So this line after edit should look like: let (newPos, _) = step world prevPos (chooseAction q prevPos actions)

However, this does not make the code run properly yet. After this change, I get time out. During my "debugging" attempts, I've been switching basicly between two scenarios: 1) Inifite loop case; and 2) Command timed out case. I assume the origin of the problem has something to do with lazy evaluation, but it is just an assumption. 

My question is simple yet hard: how do I make my code work properly?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 66

Answers (1)


Reputation: 116174

The <<loop>> is probably due to this line

let (newPos, _) = step world prevPos (chooseAction q newPos actions)
  -- ^^^^^^                                          ^^^^^^ --

since newPos is recursively defined in terms of itself. Did you mean prevPos in the chooseAction call?

Upvotes: 2

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