How could I use BiometricAuthentication in MAUI?
Note. This question only refers to Android, for now. I will leave IOs for a later date.
I have the following situation in MAUI (which means C# in Visual Studio). I need to allow fingerprint authentication.
Using the library "Plugin.Fingerprint" I can, of course, show the prompt for fingerprint auth.
My question refers to the token I have to pass fo and from the server.
I understand that this authentication should work like this:
- Upon the initial successful login using username/password and the user's request to use from now on the fingerprint auth, I will ask the server to issue for this DeviceID some token, say, a GUID.
- The server saves this token (the GUID) in a database on the server in a table named, say, FingerprintAuth, with the key DeviceID.
- This token will also be sent to the user's device in some kind of response.
- The app will save somewhere on the device this authentication token.
- Upon each subsequent fingerprint auth in the app on this device, the app will send to the server the pair {deviceID, authentication token}.
- The server will look into the table FingerprintAuth and retrieve the token saved at step 3.
- The server compares the two tokens. Upon success, the server will issue to the app, again wrapped in some kind of response, a "ServiceToken", just as it does everytime a user successfully authenticates with {username, pass}.
- This "ServiceToken" will then be sent to the server with each subsequent query of the app.
- Is my understanding of this strategy correct ?
- Where should I save this "AuthToken" on the device ? It should of course be saved somewhere secure, and surely encrypted.
- About the ebcryption: which should be the encryption method to be used for the token ? I have read a bit about the Android KeyStore, using CryptoObjects, etc, but I am not sure how to use that in C#. Is there any example code I could access ?
NOTE: I have read about the plugin
biometric_storage 5.0.1
but this uses Kotlin, Flutter, and other things I know nothing about :-( This is my first attempt at a mobile app.
Note: there is a package named "biometric_storage 5.0.1" for Android, but I don't know whether to try to use that from MAUI (how ?)
Note: I have found in NuGet a package named "BiometricStorage", but that seems to be abandoned, it has been downloaded only a few times and has been published over 5 years ago.
- Is there any sample code somewhere on the net ? I couldn't find much info in my research.
Thank you very much