Reputation: 19
I pretty much copied a vary basic search bar that is functional using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
When you type something in the search bar it does show up in the console.
The results are supposed to go from the home index.html to a different page: searchresults.html and display on the page.
I do not understand what part of the function is not working and why it will not display on the second page at all.
My code:
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const search = document.getElementById('search-i');
const links = document.getElementsByClassName('.blog-title');
function searchResult() {
search.addEventListener("click", searchResult);
const searchValue = search.value.toLowerCase();
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
const text = links[i].textContent.toLowerCase();
if (text.includes(searchValue)) {
links[i].style.display = 'block';
} else {
links[i].style.display = 'none';
I do not know why the javascript does not display the results on page
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Views: 41