Reputation: 121
I am currently looking at how the effect of two factors (temperature, species) on the duration of the egg stage in insects using a linear model and ANOVA analysis as follows:
## Model
type3.egg <- list(Temperature=contr.sum, Species=contr.sum)
model <- lm(Duration.egg ~ Temperature*Species, data=egg.2, contrasts=type3.egg)
Anova(model, type=3)
The interaction between temperature and species was significant so I plotted a simple interaction plot using the emmip() function in the package emmeans where each point is the estimated marginal mean as follows:
emmip(model, Species ~ Temperature, type="response", xlab="Temperature (°C)",
ylab="Duration of the egg stage (Days)", CI=TRUE)
The plot that was produced is as follows:
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could make the following edits to this plot or knew of an alternative method to producing this same plot as I am aware that the emmip() function does not allow a great deal of customization. The changes I would like to make are:
Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.
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Views: 354
Reputation: 73562
What you want is base graphics. Use emmeans::emmeans
to compute EMM beforehand.
Example (using warpbreaks data):
> warp.lm <- lm(breaks ~ wool*tension, data=warpbreaks)
> (emm <- summary(emmeans::emmeans(warp.lm, ~ wool*tension), infer=c(TRUE, TRUE)))
wool tension emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value
A L 44.6 3.65 48 37.2 51.9 12.218 <.0001
B L 28.2 3.65 48 20.9 35.6 7.739 <.0001
A M 24.0 3.65 48 16.7 31.3 6.581 <.0001
B M 28.8 3.65 48 21.4 36.1 7.891 <.0001
A H 24.6 3.65 48 17.2 31.9 6.734 <.0001
B H 18.8 3.65 48 11.4 26.1 5.149 <.0001
> png('foo.png', 600, 400)
> par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 2))
> with(warpbreaks,
+ plot(x=jitter(as.integer(as.factor(tension))), y=breaks,
+ xlab='Temperature (°C)', ylab='Duration of the egg stage (Days)',
+ pch=as.integer(as.factor(wool)), xaxt='n',
+ col='grey')
+ )
> with(warpbreaks, axis(1, at=seq_along(levels(tension)), labels=levels(tension)))
> for (i in seq_along(levels(emm$wool))) {
+ with(subset(emm, wool == levels(emm$wool)[i]),
+ lines(x=as.integer(tension) + switch(i, -.05, .05),
+ y=emmean, type='o', cex=1.5,
+ lty=as.integer(wool), pch=as.integer(wool))
+ )
+ }
> arrows(as.integer(as.factor(emm$tension)) + c(-.05, .05), emm$lower.CL,
+ as.integer(as.factor(emm$tension)) + c(-.05, .05), emm$upper.CL,
+ code=3, angle=90, length=.05, col='black', lwd=2, lty=1:2)
> legend('topright', title='Species', levels(emm$wool), cex=1.5,
+ pch=as.integer(emm$wool), lty=as.integer(emm$wool))
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 19339
Run the model again adding plotit=FALSE
and save the results. Then use emmip_ggplot
to plot the model. This allows you to add further layers to the plot. I use the auto.noise dataset from the emmip package.
noise.lm <- lm(noise ~ size * type, data = auto.noise)
emmip.dat <- emmip(noise.lm, type ~ size, CIs = TRUE, plotit=FALSE)
linearg = list(col="black", size=1),
CIarg = list(lwd = 1, alpha = 1, col="grey70"),
dotarg = list(col="black", size=4)) +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.key.width = unit(2,"cm")) +
geom_jitter(data=mutate(auto.noise, tvar=type), aes(x=size, y=noise), col="grey30")
Upvotes: 1