Reputation: 1
first I want to iterate to my users which document will match to my predefined parcelBoxNo., after that if it matched then it will go to orders, and retrieve the data/info of the orders trackingNo. and qrcodedata. I also want that in orders it will iterate again cause i need to integrate this to my keypad and qrcode scanner hardware and compare that data to the database data.'
but everytime i upload the output is: Fetching user documents... Failed to parse JSON payload: TooDeep
void retrieveAndDisplayData() {
const int predefinedParcelBox = 1; // Define the predefined parcel box number to compare
const char* documentPath = "users"; // Path to the collection
// Construct Firestore query to filter documents
FirebaseJson query;
query.set("structuredQuery.where.fieldFilter.field.fieldPath", "aParcelBoxNo");
query.set("structuredQuery.where.fieldFilter.op", "EQUAL");
query.set("structuredQuery.where.fieldFilter.value.integerValue", predefinedParcelBox);
// Retrieve filtered documents from Firestore
Serial.print("Fetching user documents... ");
if (Firebase.Firestore.runQuery(&fbdo, FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, "", documentPath, &query)) {
// Successfully retrieved filtered documents
String payload = fbdo.payload(); // Get the payload as a string
// Parse the payload as a JSON array of documents
DynamicJsonDocument jsonDoc(2048); // Adjust capacity based on expected payload size
DeserializationError jsonError = deserializeJson(jsonDoc, payload);
if (jsonError) {
Serial.print("Failed to parse JSON payload: ");
// Check if the payload contains documents
if (!jsonDoc.containsKey("documents")) {
Serial.println("No documents found matching the query.");
// Process the retrieved documents
JsonArray documents = jsonDoc["documents"].as<JsonArray>();
for (JsonObject doc : documents) {
// Extract specific fields from each document
if (doc.containsKey("fields")) {
JsonObject fields = doc["fields"];
// Access specific field values (e.g., trackingNumber, qrCodeData)
if (fields.containsKey("trackingNumber") && fields.containsKey("qrCodeData")) {
String trackingNumber = fields["trackingNumber"]["stringValue"].as<String>();
String qrCodeData = fields["qrCodeData"]["stringValue"].as<String>();
// Process the retrieved data
Serial.print("Tracking Number: ");
Serial.print("QR Code Data: ");
// Optionally perform additional actions based on the retrieved data
// E.g., match trackingNumber with predefined value, trigger actions
} else {
// Failed to retrieve documents or run query
Serial.print("Firestore query error: ");
void loop() {
if (millis() - lastDataMillis >= interval || lastDataMillis == 0) {
lastDataMillis = millis();
delay(1000); // Add a short delay to prevent continuous looping
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