Cannot run Custom batch service in Azure Data Factory - User configuration issue Error code 2500

When I run custom service in Azure Data Factory pipeline, i get this error:

{"errorCategory":0,"code":"FailureExitCode","message":"The task exited with an exit code representing a failure","details":[{"Name":"Message","Value":"The task process exited with an unexpected exit code"},{"Name":"AdditionalErrorCode","Value":"FailureExitCode"}]}

enter image description here

What I have done:

enter image description here


They worked but I don't. I checked the issue and found some similiar ones. They told to give access to other services to integrate with but I have enable them to the public network but the error is still there.

I want the custom service to run the Python scirpt ( in order to train the machine learning

here are my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

#test agin

#Configure the access to the AML workspace
from import MLClient
from import Data
from import AssetTypes
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
import sys

from import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient, generate_blob_sas, BlobSasPermissions
from azureml.core import Workspace, Dataset
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from azureml.core import Workspace, Datastore, Dataset
import os

#Library for train
import pandas as pd
import joblib
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# authenticate
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

# # Get a handle to the workspace
# ml_client = MLClient(
#     credential=credential,
#     subscription_id=SUBSCRIPTION,
#     resource_group_name=RESOURCE_GROUP,
#     workspace_name=WS_NAME,
# )

# ws = ml_client.workspaces.get(WS_NAME)

account_name = "mloptestsa"
container_name = "mloptestcontainer"

def get_into_container_blob_storage (connection_string, container_name):
    blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
    container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name)

    return container_client

def generate_sas_blob_file_with_url (account_name, container_name, blob_name):
    sas = generate_blob_sas(account_name = account_name,
                                container_name = container_name,
                                blob_name = blob_name,
                                expiry=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1))

    sas_url = 'https://' + account_name+'' + container_name + '/' + blob_name + '?' + sas
    return sas_url

# Get path of data file in Blob storage
def get_dataframe_blob_file(connection_string, container_name):
    # load file from blob
    container_client = get_into_container_blob_storage (connection_string, container_name)

    blob_target = []
    for blob_i in container_client.list_blobs():
        if == "traindata/car_data.csv":
            blob_target =
    #generate a shared access signature for each blob file
    sas_url = generate_sas_blob_file_with_url(account_name, container_name, blob_target)

    #read data file from blob url
    df = pd.read_csv(sas_url, skiprows=1)
    return df
#Filter & transform data frame - remove unnecessary columns and null value in rows
def filter_data(df): 
    #Remove unselected column
    df.columns = ['name', 'year', 'selling_price', 'km_driven', 'fuel', 'seller_type', 'transmission', 'owner']
    columns_drop = ['fuel','seller_type','owner','transmission']
    df_filtered_columns = df.drop(columns=columns_drop)

    #Get the column "name" to numeric type
    df_filtered_columns['name'], uniques = pd.factorize(df_filtered_columns['name'])
    #Delete missing value row
    df_filtered_columns_rows = df_filtered_columns.dropna()
    return df_filtered_columns_rows

#Split data into train data and test data
def split_data(df_filtered_columns_rows):
    X = df_filtered_columns_rows.drop(columns=['selling_price']).values
    y = df_filtered_columns_rows['selling_price'].values

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    data = {"train": {"X": X_train, "y": y_train},
            "test": {"X": X_test, "y": y_test}}
    return data, y_test

#Train the model, return the model
def train_model(data):
    car_model = LinearRegression()["train"]["X"], data["train"]["y"])
    return car_model

#Evaluate the metrics for the model
def get_model_metrics(model, data, test_validation):
    preds = model.predict(data["test"]["X"])
    mse = mean_squared_error(preds, test_validation)
    metrics = {"mse": mse}
    return metrics

#save trained model to file for SCORE model to gain prediction
def save_model(model):
    model_name = "price_car_data.pkl"
    joblib.dump(model, filename=model_name)
    container_client = get_into_container_blob_storage(connection_string, container_name)
    blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(blob=f"model_output/{model_name}")
    with open(model_name, "rb") as data:
        blob_client.upload_blob(data, overwrite=True)

def main(connection_string, container_name):
    # Load Data Frame form Blob storage
    df = get_dataframe_blob_file(connection_string, container_name)

    # Split Data into Training and Validation Sets
    df_filter = filter_data(df)
    data, test_validation = split_data(df_filter)

    # Train Model on Training Set
    linear_model = train_model(data)

    # Validate Model on Validation Set
    metrics = get_model_metrics(linear_model, data, test_validation)

    # Save Model

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Accessing command-line arguments
    arguments = sys.argv
    account_key = str(arguments[1])
    connection_string = f"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={account_name};AccountKey={account_key};"
    main(connection_string, container_name)

I beg you guys to help me as soon as possible. It costs me a lot of money already but I haven't made the process of using the pipeline run the Python Script to train a machine learning.

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Views: 255

Answers (1)


Reputation: 8140

The task failure is due to script dependencies. In your code, the modules, identity, sklearn, etc., should be installed on your VM nodes; otherwise, you will encounter an error. I tested the same script in my environment and encountered the error below.

To see the logs, Go to > Jobs > your pool job.

enter image description here

Next, go to the recent task.

enter image description here

You will find error logs in stderr.txt.

enter image description here

For your script, you need a custom VM image and container with all your dependencies configured.

To build a customized container image, refer to this article.

However, I suggest training the script in Azure Machine Learning Workspace itself, as it has all the required dependencies built-in, and different-sized clusters are available for training.

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