Reputation: 1
I have to implement svd functino for my term project. I try to use QR method to find eigenvalues and it seems ok but when I try to find eigenvectors using this eigenvalues there is a mistake about the signs of the vectors
Here the part of the Hesenberg form and the functions to find eigenvalues:
def houseeig(A):
Reduce A to upper Hessenberg form using Householder reflections.
A -- Input square matrix of size (n x n)
A -- Matrix in upper Hessenberg form
A = A.astype(np.float64)
n = A.shape[0]
for k in range(n-2):
z = A[k+1:n, k]
e1 = np.zeros(n-k-1)
e1[0] = 1
u = z + np.sign(z[0]) * np.linalg.norm(z) * e1
u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)
u = u.reshape(-1,1)
# print("u",u)
# Q = np.eye(n-k-1) - 2 * np.outer(u, u.T)
# print("Q:",Q)
A[k+1:n, k:n] -= 2* u @ (, A[k+1:n, k:n]))
A[0:n, k+1:n] -= 2 * ([0:n, k+1:n], u)) @ u.T
# print("A:",A)
# print("-------------------------")
return A
def qrshift(A, tol):
Find one eigenvalue lam of A in upper Hessenberg form and return iteration count.
Also improve A for future.
A -- Input matrix in upper Hessenberg form
tol -- Tolerance for convergence
lam -- Eigenvalue of A
iter -- Iteration count
A -- Improved matrix for future
m = A.shape[0]
lam = A[m-1, m-1]
iter = 0
I = np.eye(m)
if m == 1:
return lam, iter, A
while iter < 100: # max number of iterations
if abs(A[m-1, m-2]) < tol:
return lam, iter, A # check convergence
iter += 1
Q, R = np.linalg.qr(A - lam * I) # compute the QR decomposition
A =, Q) + lam * I # find the next iterate
lam = A[m-1, m-1] # next shift
return lam, iter, A
def qreig(A, tol):
Find all real eigenvalues lambda of A and return iteration counters.
First stage: bring to upper Hessenberg form.
Second stage: deflation loop.
A -- Input square matrix of size (n x n)
tol -- Tolerance for convergence
lambda -- List of eigenvalues
itn -- List of iteration counts
A = houseeig(A) # First stage: bring to upper Hessenberg form
n = A.shape[0]
eigenvalues = []
iterations = []
for j in range(n, 0, -1):
# find jth eigenvalue
eigenval, it_count, A = qrshift(A[:j, :j], tol)
eigenvalues = eigenvalues[::-1]
iterations = iterations[::-1]
return eigenvalues, iterations
And after findigng the eigenvalues I use A - λI = 0 to find eigenvector for specific eigenvalue. First I make A - λI this matrix upper triangular
def upper_triangular(A):
# Number of rows and columns in the matrix
A = A.astype(np.float64)
rows, cols = A.shape
# Iterate over each row
for i in range(rows):
# Find the pivot row index (non-zero entry) in the current column
pivot_index = np.argmax(np.abs(A[i:, i])) + i
# Swap the current row with the pivot row
A[[i, pivot_index]] = A[[pivot_index, i]]
# Make other elements in the current column zero
for k in range(i + 1, rows):
factor = A[k, i] / A[i, i]
A[k, i:] -= factor * A[i, i:]
return A
Normally there can be some free variable when find the eigenvector but since I cannot give a leter to represent it I assume the x_last is free variable and value equal to 1
def sum_of_xs(A,X,row):
def eigenvectors_find(A,eig_vals):
eigenvectors = np.zeros(A.shape)
for i in range(len(eig_vals)):
eigenvectors[:,i] = eigenvector_find(A,eig_vals[i]).flatten()
return eigenvectors
def eigenvector_find(A,eigen):
A_ = upper_triangular(A - eigen *np.eye(A.shape[0]).copy())
X = np.zeros((A_.shape[0],1))
X[-1] = 1
B = np.zeros(A_.shape[0])
for i in range(A_.shape[0]-2,-1,-1):
sum = sum_of_xs(A_,X,i)
X[i] = -1*sum / A_[i,i]
X = X / np.linalg.norm(X)
return X
After all this operations the svd function is
def my_svd(A):
eigenvals, itr = qreig(A.T@A,1e-12)
singular_vals = np.sqrt(np.array(eigenvals))
#find U using [email protected]
eig_val_u , itr_u = qreig([email protected],1e-12)
U = eigenvectors_find([email protected],sorted(eig_val_u,reverse=True))
#find V using A.T@A
eig_vals_v ,itr_v = qreig(A.T@A,1e-12)
V = eigenvectors_find(A.T@A,sorted(eig_vals_v,reverse=True))
return U,sorted(singular_vals,reverse=True),V.T
for matrix A
A = np.array([[5,-1,-5,4],
My function returns
U,sing,V = my_svd(A)
print(U @ np.diag(sing) @ V)
[[-0.60936572 0.69094756 -0.27691892 0.27309485]
[-0.20895515 -0.55114869 -0.12892175 0.79746602]
[ 0.7110522 0.28235673 -0.57577775 0.28837377]
[ 0.28180833 0.37296283 0.75840298 0.4542111 ]]
[10.05640977818836, 7.790324714015723, 2.4707266446903646, 0.2738121081517082]
[[-0.46629183 -0.22722116 0.85283687 0.06009774]
[ 0.45335455 -0.51705105 0.05912314 0.72362443]
[-0.4978549 0.49924574 -0.18738638 0.68394483]
[ 0.57374391 0.65710155 0.48379755 0.0705366 ]]
[[ 5.68125565 -1.68315884 -4.74358387 3.06410227]
[-0.68283615 2.68195011 -1.88062348 -3.43571444]
[-1.58351375 -3.42044343 6.53314777 1.05405463]
[-0.86576745 -1.12902023 2.29774839 3.56316045]]
and numpy svd returns
u,s,v = np.linalg.svd(A)
print(u @ np.diag(s) @ v)
[[-0.60936572 0.69094756 -0.27691892 0.27309485]
[-0.20895515 -0.55114869 -0.12892175 0.79746602]
[ 0.7110522 0.28235673 -0.57577775 0.28837377]
[ 0.28180833 0.37296283 0.75840298 0.4542111 ]]
[10.05640978 7.79032471 2.47072664 0.27381211]
[[-0.46629183 -0.22722116 0.85283687 0.06009774]
[ 0.45335455 -0.51705105 0.05912314 0.72362443]
[ 0.4978549 -0.49924574 0.18738638 -0.68394483]
[ 0.57374391 0.65710155 0.48379755 0.0705366 ]]
[[ 5. -1. -5. 4.]
[-1. 3. -2. -3.]
[-3. -2. 6. 3.]
[ 1. -3. 3. 1.]]
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