Reputation: 39
I have made a useful median for 2D positions by taking the average median of the x positions of the positions rotated in every 360° direction. The angleDiffs are the degrees of freedom, that the rotation around the point has, before hitting another point. I don't know how to calculate that in 3d as it has 2 axis of rotation, which make it complicated. Does anyone have an idea on how to calculate that?
internal static Vector2 Median(IEnumerable<Vector2> positions) {
List<float> angles = new(positions.Count() - 1);
(Vector2 pos, FloatRef angle)[] points =
positions.Select(p => (p, new FloatRef())).ToArray();
foreach((Vector2 pos, FloatRef angle) in points) {
foreach(Vector2 p in positions) {
if(pos == p) continue;
angles.Add(Vector2.SignedAngle(pos - p, Vector2.up));
angles.Sort((a, b) => a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1);
List<(bool? positive, float angleDif)> AngleDiffs = GenerateAngleDiffs(angles);
int positives = AngleDiffs.Count(a => a.positive.HasValue && a.positive.Value);
float score = 0f;
float halfPosition = angles.Count / 2f;
foreach((bool? p, float angleDif) in AngleDiffs) {
score += angleDif * Mathf.Abs(halfPosition - positives);
positives -= p.HasValue ? p.Value ? 1 : -1 : 0;
} angle.f = score;
float minCount = points.Min(p => p.angle.f);
return Average(points.Where(p => p.angle.f == minCount).Select(p => p.pos));
static List<(bool? positive, float angleDif)> GenerateAngleDiffs(List<float> angles) {
int count = angles.Count;
int otherIndex = 0;
while(otherIndex < count && angles[otherIndex] <= 0) otherIndex++;
int otherCount = otherIndex;
int index = 0;
float prevAngle = -180;
List<(bool? positive, float angleDif)> diffs = new(count + 1);
while(index < otherCount || otherIndex < count) {
float angle = index >= otherCount ? float.PositiveInfinity : angles[index];
float otherAngle = otherIndex >= count ? float.PositiveInfinity : angles[otherIndex] - 180;
AddToAngles(otherAngle, angle, ref index, true);
AddToAngles(angle, otherAngle, ref otherIndex, false);
void AddToAngles(float a1, float a2, ref int i, bool b) {
if(a1 < a2) return;
diffs.Add((b, a2 - prevAngle));
prevAngle = a2;
diffs.Add((null, 0 - prevAngle));
return diffs;
internal static Vector2 Average(IEnumerable<Vector2> positions)
=> positions.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 + p2) / positions.Count();
class FloatRef {
internal float f;
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