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I'm working on a project right now, which should be written in MIPS using the Mars4_5 Assembler.
Here's the following code. I suppose it has something to do with the choice to use 41 in li $v0 41 instead of 42 but 42 just prints the following error message error Upper bound of range cannot be negative (syscall 42)
For this subtask, I have to generate random bits, using the testing file I added it should conclude in: 101100110110011101100110110011 Instead it prints: 111111111111111111111111111111.
#vim:sw=2 syntax=asm
random_id: .word 0
.globl main
# Memory layout of the Configuration
# | eca | tape | tape_len | rule | skip | column |
# | 1 word | 1 word | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte |
.word 1 # eca
.word 252 # tape
.byte 8 # tape_len
.byte 106 # rule
.byte 1 # skip
.byte 5 # column
.asciiz "Error: Random number generator syscall failed"
.globl gen_byte, gen_bit
# Arguments:
# $a0 : address of configuration in memory
# 0($a0): eca (1 word)
# 4($a0): tape (1 word)
# 8($a0): tape_len (1 byte)
# 9($a0): rule (1 byte)
# 10($a0): skip (1 byte)
# 11($a0): column (1 byte)
# Return value:
# Compute the next valid byte (00, 01, 10) and put into $v0
# If 11 would be returned, produce two new bits until valid
li $s0 30 # loop counter
beqz $s0 terminate
subi $s0 $s0 1
la $a0 automaton
jal gen_bit
# print returned value
move $a0 $v0
li $v0 1
j loop
li $v0 10
li $v0, 0
jal gen_bit
move $t1, $v0 #moves v0 --> t1
jal gen_bit
or $t1, $t1, $v0
#Check if 11 if so repeat
beq $t1, $zero, gen_byte_end #To end if not 11
srl $t0, $t1, 1
move $v0, $t0
jr $ra
# Arguments:
# $a0 : address of configuration in memory
# 0($a0): eca (1 word)
# 4($a0): tape (1 word)
# 8($a0): tape_len (1 byte)
# 9($a0): rule (1 byte)
# 10($a0): skip (1 byte)
# 11($a0): column (1 byte)
# Return value:
# Look at the field {eca} and use the associated random number generator to generate one bit.
# Put the computed bit into $v0
li $v0, 41 # 41 = Random Number
lw $a0, random_id
# Check if syscall failed
bltz $v0, syscall_failed
# Least significant bit
andi $v0, $v0, 1
jr $ra
# Print error message or take appropriate action
# For example:
li $v0, 4 # syscall for printing string
la $a0, syscall_error_msg
# Exit program
li $v0, 10
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Views: 92
Reputation: 26696
That code assumes that syscall #41 returns the random number in $v0
, which would be normal, but it doesn't — strange as it is, syscall #41 returns the random number in $a0
Upvotes: 2