So I'm using the PlatformerController2D
script from the AssetLib for the movement of my player and when walking and jumping or pretty much moving in general the player looks really jittery. It usually happens every few seconds, the player just lags mid-way.
The code is over 300 lines so I don't think I will be able to provide it, but honestly, I think it is not the code's problem as I tried other codes too ( even the original template ) but the same thing happened.
I tried using both _process
and _physics_process
and tried changing the default fps in the settings to 30. Also, I tried moving "move_and_slide" separately into _physics
but all that didn't help either.
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my problem, but I'm using a pixel art character and I don't have a camera following my player.
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The code below uses linear interpolation for the global_position to give a smoothing effect:
extends Sprite2D
@export var parent:Node2D
var parent_prev_position:Vector2
var parent_curr_position:Vector2
func _physics_process(_delta):
parent_prev_position = parent_curr_position
parent_curr_position = parent.global_position
func _process(_delta):
var factor=Engine.get_physics_interpolation_fraction()
self.global_position.x = parent_prev_position.x + (parent_curr_position.x - parent_prev_position.x) * factor
self.global_position.y = parent_prev_position.y + (parent_curr_position.y - parent_prev_position.y) * factor
func _ready():
if("global_position" in parent):
if you're using AnimatedSprite2D
or just about any node which inherits from Node2D
you can change the extends as such:
extends <node-type-here>
# for example:
extends AnimatedSprite2D
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