Reputation: 31
I have tried appending the value at the end of the array.
<cfset NL = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.System").getProperty("line.separator")>
<cfset MyList= listToArray(UpldRslt,NL,false,true)>
<cfloop from="2" to="#ArrayLen(MyList)#" index="i">
<cfset FinalList = reMatch('(?:"(?:[^"]|"")*"|[^,]*)', MyList[i])>
<cfset ResidentialIndicatorOverrideID = replace(FinalList[1], """", "", "ALL") >
<cfset Address = replace(FinalList[2], """", "", "ALL") >
<cfset City = replace(FinalList[3], """", "", "ALL") >
<cfset State = replace(FinalList[4], """", "", "ALL") >
<cfset Zipcode = replace(FinalList[5], """", "", "ALL") >
<cfif IsNumeric(Zip) eq "NO">
<cfset ErrorNote = "Please enter the numeric value for ZIP" >
<cfset ErrorOccured= 1>
<cfif ErrorOccured eq 1>
<cfset ArrayAppend(Mylist[i],"#ErrorNote#","true")>
If i use <cfset ArrayAppend(Mylist,"#ErrorNote#","true")>
it is appending the value
the o/p for above line is
Please enter the numeric value for ZIP
The o/p which i am expecting is
test,2,3,4,5,Please enter the numeric value for ZIP
Some mistake in Arrayappend. Please help me with this
Upvotes: 1
Views: 65