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Recently, I came across this article which seemed pretty interesting and it talks about ways to crack Mersenne Twister. Essentially, at the end of the article we have an binary and Assembly source which build to mtcracker
program. This program takes in one input as string and prints out 2 parts. One part is the actual length of the original string and second part is the actual seed. These 2 parts can, then, ( from the article ) be passed through the following Python code to return the original result:
import random
prog="".join([chars[int(random.random()*96)] for i in range(length)])
variable is actually the seed pulled from mtcracker
. Maybe someone can correct me, but the code above is supposed to mimic Seed programming language conversion to Befunge program. The example from Seed official wiki is fairly similar to above example ( and in my opinion the correct one, since index 1 of program in the example below is actual seed, and index 1 of program above is actually just second character of the seed ):
import random
program="780 983247832" ##Place program here
prog="".join([chars[int(random.random()*96)] for i in range(length)])
print("Your program:\n----------------------------------------\n", prog, "\n----------------------------------------\n")
I tried running mtcracker
with an HelloWorld
string and I do get 2 parts of the output but in this format:
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
And I am not really sure what format is this. I tried converting from hex to decimal, splitting the second part ( seed value ) to chunks of 8 ( assuming those are DWORDs ) and converting to integers but unfortunately I do not get valid results ( Valid result in this case would be converting successfully to length and seed variable which I can then input into the Python program above and get the HelloWorld
value ).
I see article being very well explained except that last part which I do not understand unfortunately. Any help towards solving this would be great, thanks!
Anyone interested in actual source of mtcracker
, I will reference it down below. It was written by Kamila Szewczyk ( author of the article referenced above ).
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Algorithm implementation in x86-64 assembly.
; Assemble and run:
; > yasm -f elf64 crack.asm
; > gcc crack.o -o crack
; > crack "Hello"
; We're operating in 64-bit mode.
[BITS 64]
; Import some required libc procedures.
extern malloc
extern free
extern printf
extern strlen
extern puts
extern exit
; Export main. I could aswell export _start, but
; I'd rather stick to these (at least mildly) portable
; arguments passed via rsi / rdi.
global main
; Some constants ripped directly from the MT19937 source.
N equ 624
M equ 397
NSUBM equ 227
MATRIX_A equ 9908B0DFh
; Two magic numbers from the init_by_array method from MT19937 source code.
mtinit_magic1 equ 1664525
mtinit_magic2 equ 1566083941
; Initial array import seed for Mersenne Twister.
initial_mtseed equ 19650218
; INS to TSV conversion constant.
ins_tsv equ 1812433253
section .bss
; initial_state is essentially a TSV and index snapshot of a Mersenne Twister
; instance, with the default array import seed (19650218U).
; mersenne twister instance in rsi
; +-------------------------------------+
; + +
; RSI RSI+4 RSI+0x9C4
; +---------------------------------+
; |mti||mt / tsv (624 * 4 = 9C0) |
; +---------------------------------+
initial_state resd 4 * N + 4
mt19937.mti equ 0
mt19937.tsv equ 4
section .data
; First one of these is taken from the init_by_array() procedure.
; Overall, they're magic numbers. Avada Kedavra!
mag01: dd 00000000h, MATRIX_A
rev_magic_1: dd 00000000h, 40580000h
rev_magic_2: dd 00000000h, 43400000h
rev_magic_3: dd 00000000h, 3E500000h
rev_magic_4: dd 00000000h, 41900000h
rev_magic_5: dd 00000000h, 3CA00000h
; Stop messages used by the cracker. Nothing fancy.
; "*** STOP" is here to draw the attention.
stopmsg_internal_err: db "*** STOP: Internal error", 0
stopmsg_no_data: db "*** STOP: No data", 0
stopmsg_short_in: db "*** STOP: Short input, try bruteforce", 0
stopmsg_input_long: db "*** STOP: Input too long", 0
; Formats used for displaying the seed. First one of them will start
; the output, displaying length of the seed. The second one will display
; all the DWORD's of the seed.
format_leading: db "%lX ", 0
format_interfix: db "%08X", 0
section .code
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function has essentially been copied from Mersenne Twister source code.
; I added a few comments regarding assembly itself (because it may be hard to
; read).
; First, check if mti of current MT19973 instance is greater or equal than N
; A twist will happen periodically, after 624 byte-long PRS has been generated
; for the current TSV.
cmp DWORD [rdi + mt19937.mti], N - 1
lea rcx, [rdi + mt19937.tsv]
jle .genrand_skip_twist
; eax is the first iterator of the for loop with signature (kk=0;kk < N-M;kk++)
xor eax, eax
; standard mask application in the first subloop, nothing fancy to see
mov esi, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4]
inc rax
mov edx, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4]
and esi, 0x80000000
and edx, 0x7FFFFFFF
or edx, esi
; second part of the twist.
mov esi, edx
and edx, 1
shr esi, 1
xor esi, DWORD [rdi + M * 4 + rax * 4]
xor esi, DWORD [mag01 + rdx * 4]
mov DWORD [rdi + rax * 4], esi
; Do we satisfy the condition yet?
cmp rax, NSUBM
jne .genrand_loop1
mov esi, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4]
inc rax
mov edx, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4]
and esi, 0x80000000
and edx, 0x7FFFFFFF
or edx, esi
mov esi, edx
and edx, 1
shr esi, 1
xor esi, DWORD [rdi - 4 * NSUBM + rax * 4]
xor esi, DWORD [mag01 + rdx * 4]
cmp rax, N - 1
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv - 4 + rax * 4], esi
jne .genrand_loop2
mov eax, DWORD [rdi + 4 * N]
mov DWORD [rdi], 0
mov edx, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv]
and eax, 0x80000000
and edx, 0x7FFFFFFF
or eax, edx
mov edx, eax
and eax, 1
shr edx, 1
xor edx, DWORD [rdi + M * 4]
xor edx, DWORD [mag01 + rax * 4]
mov DWORD [rdi + M * 4], edx
; standard tempering code. bump up the mti.
movsxd rax, DWORD [rdi + mt19937.mti]
lea edx, [rax + 1]
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.mti], edx
; bit trickery follows.
mov eax, DWORD [rcx + rax * 4]
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 11
xor edx, eax
mov eax, edx
sal eax, 7
and eax, 0x9D2C5680
xor edx, eax
mov eax, edx
sal eax, 15
and eax, 0xEFC60000
xor eax, edx
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 18
xor eax, edx
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; init_by_array copied over from Mersenne Twister source code. No significant
; changes have been made. Because seeding the Mersenne Twister and forcing it
; to generate the TSV all the times with multiple seeds would take a lot of
; excess time. The routime has been optimized to copy over data from the
; initial MT19937 init_by_array state.
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.mti], N
mov eax, DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv]
lea r8, [rdi + mt19937.tsv]
xor r9d, r9d
push rbx
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv], eax
; note: eax maps to i in the original MT19937 code.
mov eax, 1
; all the time we refer to i-1, therefore no need to add
; the +mt19937.tsv-4 idempotency. this part is an optimized 1:1
; of the original code.
mov r10d, DWORD [rdi + rax * 4]
mov ecx, r10d
shr ecx, 30
xor ecx, r10d
mov r10d, DWORD [rsi + r9 * 4]
imul ecx, ecx, mtinit_magic1
xor ecx, DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4]
add r10d, r9d
add ecx, r10d
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4], ecx
; bump up the counters: rax => i, r9 => j
inc rax
inc r9
cmp rdx, r9
; j >= key length condition
ja .mtinit_keep_j
xor r9d, r9d
cmp rax, N
jne .mtinit_loop1
; tsv[0] = tsv[n-1]
mov ecx, DWORD [rdi + N * 4]
cmp rdx, N
; i = 1
mov r10d, 1
cmovnb rax, rdx
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv], ecx
; A lovely piece of code regarding loading the key length.
; Imagine I want to load [rax - 623] effective adress into rcx.
; Use [rax - N - 1]? Wrong! YASM will merge the constants for you
; to create a valid x86 instruction. Therefore, there's an invisible
; parenthesis around (N+1).
lea rcx, [rax - N + 1]
; formula's exactly the same like it used to be in the original
; MT19937 code.
lea rax, [r10 * 4]
mov ebx, DWORD [r8 - mt19937.tsv + rax]
lea r11, [r8 + rax]
mov eax, ebx
shr eax, 30
xor eax, ebx
mov ebx, DWORD [rsi + r9 * 4]
imul eax, eax, mtinit_magic1
xor eax, DWORD [r11]
add ebx, r9d
; increment counters.
inc r9
inc r10
add eax, ebx
; i >= N?
cmp r10, N - 1
mov DWORD [r11], eax
jbe .mtinit_blk1
mov eax, DWORD [rdi + N * 4]
mov r10d, 1
mov DWORD [rdi + 4], eax
; j >= key?
cmp rdx, r9
ja .mtinit_blk2
xor r9d, r9d
dec rcx
jne .mtinit_loop2
mov edx, N - 1
lea rax, [r10 * 4]
mov esi, DWORD [r8 - 4 + rax]
lea rcx, [r8 + rax]
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 30
xor eax, esi
imul eax, eax, mtinit_magic2
xor eax, DWORD [rcx]
sub eax, r10d
inc r10
; i >= N
cmp r10, N - 1
mov DWORD [rcx], eax
jbe .mtinit_blk3
mov eax, DWORD [rdi + N * 4]
mov r10d, 1
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv], eax
dec rdx
jne .mtinit_loop3
pop rbx
mov DWORD [rdi + mt19937.tsv], 0x80000000
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; State to seed conversion. It's gotten a bit hairy, but works just fine. Note
; the unconventional use of ebp (the base pointer) - It won't be used for
; stack adressing.
; Preserve registers. Make a copy of the first parameter.
push r13
push r12
push rbp
push rbx
mov rax, rdi
; Reserve 9C0h bytes for the TSV copy, 8 more for other interesting stuff.
sub rsp, 9C0h + 8
; eax: iterator #1, starts at one. Binary size trick: xor eax, eax, inc eax
; is actually smaller than mov eax, 1 due to instruction size padding!
; For sure the opcode size is larger (B801000000h for mov eax, 1 - padding
; kills), while xor eax, eax & inc eax is just 3 bytes big! (31C040h; it may
; refer to ecx, though, but it doesn't make real difference). The processor
; pipeline will probably do a good job and these two instructions being split
; will make no negative performance impact.
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; need to copy memory from the state over to the stack.
; set up the pointers then and perform rep movsd to copy the memory
; in larger chunks (dword vs byte).
mov ecx, N
mov ebp, N - 1
mov rbx, rsi
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, rsp
rep movsd
; An algorithm has been squashed here to reverse the last step
; of the array_init procedure. This is actually being executed in a loop.
; if iterator #1 == 1, then tsv[0] = tsv[n-1].
cmp rax, 1
jne .seedrev_fixup_skip
; Effective adress wololo.
mov edx, DWORD [rsp + (N - 1) * 4]
mov DWORD [rsp], edx
; for each element of TSV, xor value of it's value and position by
; xor of last element and it's rightshifted value by 30, mutliplied
; by the magic constant #2.
; It may not sound welcoming.
; But that's what needs to be done in correspondence with the
; original algorithm; pay close attention to this snippet from the
; original MT19937 code, located in the second loop of the init_by_array:
; mt[i] = (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 30)) * mtinit_magic2)) - i;
lea rdx, [rax * 4]
mov esi, DWORD [rsp - 4 + rdx]
lea rcx, [rsp + rdx]
mov edx, esi
shr edx, 30
xor edx, esi
mov esi, DWORD [rcx]
imul edx, edx, mtinit_magic2
add esi, eax
xor edx, esi
mov DWORD [rcx], edx
; decrement `i`
dec rax
; wrap rax around to N-1.
mov edx, N - 1
cmove rax, rdx
; next element ...
dec rbp
jne .seedrev_deinit_last
; last step has been reversed, now its time to find the maximum
; key length.
mov eax, DWORD [rsp + (N - 1) * 4]
; has been done before, refer to the original above.
cmp rbx, N
mov r13d, N
cmovnb r13, rbx
; clear iterator (#2) - pay close attention to the iterators,
; because their naming might get hairy.
xor edx, edx
; load the expected key array length, it has to be done now,
; because later on rbx is trashed.
lea rdi, [rbx * 4]
mov DWORD [rsp], eax
mov eax, N - 1
div rbx
mov r12d, edx
call malloc
mov edi, DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv]
; counter #1 is now ecx.
mov ecx, 1
lea r9d, [r13 - 1]
mov r8, rax
cmp r13d, ebp
mov eax, ebp
; don't exceed kmax.
jle .revseed_halt
; very important check for the sake of 2nd array_init block.
; for k in Z+ and k < N - 1 /k ey length - 1 which one's larger,
; make a fixup.
cmp ebp, 1
movsxd rsi, ecx
jle .crack_fixup
cmp r9d, eax
jle .crack_fixup
; standard xor mask
mov edx, DWORD [rsp + rsi * 4]
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 30
xor eax, edx
imul eax, eax, mtinit_magic1
; apply the mask to create a seed.
lea edx, [rcx + 1]
movsxd rdx, edx
mov r10d, DWORD [rsp + rdx * 4]
xor r10d, eax
xor eax, DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv + rdx * 4]
sub r10d, eax
; k - 2 == length?
lea rdx, [rbp - 2]
cmp rbx, rdx
; precalculate iterator #2 + 1
lea eax, [r12 + 1]
; miss :/
jnb .seedrev_size_miss
; does expected key state at iterator #2 capped at key length
; equal to seed?
xor edx, edx
div rbx
cmp DWORD [r8 + rdx * 4], r10d
je .crack_fixup
; Something bad happened nad they're not equal. Dump out an
; internal error.
mov edi, stopmsg_internal_err
call puts
; exit with code 1
mov edi, 1
call exit
; in this case, we set the expected key state at calculated index
; to the seed. This depends on the value of iterator #2 compared
; to the maximum key length.
cmp rbx, rax
ja .seedrev_do_iterator
; set [0]
mov DWORD [r8], r10d
jmp .crack_fixup
movsxd rax, r12d
; set [iterator #2]
mov DWORD [r8 + mt19937.tsv + rax * 4], r10d
; as above, simple state reversal, nearly ctrl+c & ctrl+v of above.
dec ecx
movsxd rax, ecx
mov edx, DWORD [rsp + rax * 4]
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 30
xor eax, edx
mov edx, DWORD [rsp + rsi * 4]
imul eax, eax, mtinit_magic1
sub edx, r12d
xor eax, edx
mov DWORD [rsp + rsi * 4], eax
; iterator decreasing is a bit scattered around, but the goal is to
; keep the code relatively dense.
dec r12d
; for iterator #2 == 0, reset iterator #1, and pass around seed uint32
; to the final array.
test ecx, ecx
jne .reset_j
mov DWORD [rsp], edi
mov ecx, N - 1
test r12d, r12d
jns .loop_again
lea r12d, [rbx - 1]
; adjust the pointer to the next location and jump again.
inc rbp
jmp .crack_loop
; stack cleanup, mostly.
; and return value in rax, obviously.
add rsp, 9C0h + 8
mov rax, r8
pop rbx
pop rbp
pop r12
pop r13
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The constants below apply ONLY to the main function.
; seed buffer's stack offset.
seed_buf equ 0x3100
; temporary (work) mersenne twister instance stack offset.
mersenne_bp equ 0x2740
; the "target" size - main reversal array.
target_length equ 12552
; internal seed generator's temporary states.
zerogen_temp equ 7548
zerogen_temp2 equ 5048
zerogen_temp3 equ 2548
; An interesting variable - it's used for various calculations.
; for example, it stores seed length, but is used inside many more
; computations regardin seed regarding later on, so I'll treat this
; like an "additonal", slow and temporary register.
gen_temp equ 12560
temp_keylen equ 12568
; Final key storage for init_by_array.
final_key equ 0x3318
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Entry point for the cracker.
; TODO, directed mainly to the reader: You may want to make a library or
; something out of this program. This function is probably the most complex,
; taking out around 1/2 of the code' volume. There are at least two algorithms
; squashed into this one. First of all, the stack allocation amount is
; enormous.
; This prologue to a function might seem odd. As mentioned before, a lot of
; operations are done in parallel, therefore it may look hairy.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r15
push r14
; clear eax and set up ecx - we're setting up a buffer on the stack.
; as edi is the destination index, we'll save it so it's not wrecked
; by rep stosd.
mov r8d, edi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, N
; load the seed buffer, as we will rep stosd it with zeros.
lea rdi, [rbp - seed_buf]
push r13
push r12
push rbx
sub rsp, 12536
; argc == 2?
cmp r8d, 2
rep stosd
; preload the no_data message
mov edi, stopmsg_no_data
jne .main_error
lea r14, [rbp - seed_buf]
; first, we need to initialize the initial MT19937 state
; with the default values.
mov edx, 1
; first byte of pre-twist TSV is always the seed.
mov DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv], initial_mtseed
; it's nearly the exact same procedure we discussed above.
; so simply the code will follow.
mov ecx, DWORD [initial_state + rdx * 4]
mov eax, ecx
shr eax, 30
xor eax, ecx
imul eax, eax, ins_tsv
add eax, edx
mov DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.tsv + rdx * 4], eax
; we want to fill the entire TSV, therefore loop N times.
inc rdx
cmp rdx, N
jne .generate_state
; r15 = ptr argv[1], ptr is 2B long, so we get 2nd element.
mov r15, QWORD [rsi + 8]
mov QWORD [rbp - gen_temp], rsp
mov DWORD [initial_state + mt19937.mti], N
; load the argument, check the length of input string.
mov rdi, r15
call strlen
; less than 4 bytes long?
cmp rax, 3
ja .input_ok
; nope, better load the error message.
mov edi, stopmsg_short_in
; and that's where the execution falls into, when an error occurs.
; write out the error message in edi and exit outta here.
call puts
mov edi, 1
call exit
; seed length = M + input_length * 2. It's a fantastic property
; of this generator.
lea r13, [rax + rax]
lea rbx, [r13 + M]
; first, let's check may it be the case that input is too long
mov edi, stopmsg_input_long
cmp rbx, N - 3
ja .main_error
; with couple of input sanity checks over, we're heating up the cracker.
; first, let's load up the current seed to a mersenne twister instance.
lea r12, [rbp - mersenne_bp]
mov rdx, rbx
mov rsi, r14
mov QWORD [rbp - target_length], rax
mov rdi, r12
call init_by_array
; seed generation stub, to be polished up by the generic_get_seed
; procedure first, make two copies of the state.
add r13, M - 1
lea rdi, [rbp - zerogen_temp]
mov ecx, N + 1
mov rsi, r12
rep movsd
lea rdi, [rbp - zerogen_temp2]
mov ecx, N + 1
lea rsi, [rbp - zerogen_temp]
rep movsd
; generate a random number fron the first state.
lea rdi, [rbp - zerogen_temp2]
call genrand_int32
mov r8, QWORD [rbp - target_length]
; xor one state and another with M offset on the 2nd.
mov eax, M
cmp rax, r13
jnb .seedgen_im_done
; Halloween's effective adresses incoming.
mov edx, DWORD [rbp - zerogen_temp + 4 + rax * 4]
xor edx, DWORD [rbp - zerogen_temp2 - 4 * M + 4 + rax * 4]
mov DWORD [rbp - zerogen_temp + 4 + rax * 4], edx
; pass around
inc rax
jmp .seedgen_im_loop
; done. now, generate seed from r2 state.
mov rsi, rbx
mov QWORD [rbp - temp_keylen], r8
lea rdi, [rbp - zerogen_temp + 4]
call generic_get_seed
; now, let's initialize state 3 with the key supplied.
lea r13, [rbp - zerogen_temp3]
mov rdx, rbx
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, r13
mov QWORD [rbp - target_length], rax
call init_by_array
; we don't need 3rd key anymore, free the memory for it.
mov r9, QWORD [rbp - target_length]
mov rdi, r9
call free
; copy the 3rd instance into the current, shared MT state.
mov ecx, N + 1
mov rdi, r12
mov rsi, r13
rep movsd
; Load the magic numbers.
movsd xmm1, QWORD [rev_magic_2]
movsd xmm2, QWORD [rev_magic_3]
mov r8, QWORD [rbp - temp_keylen]
xor edx, edx
; allocate enough stack space for the target buffer.
lea rax, [r8 + 15]
and rax, -16
sub rsp, rax
; allocate target2 buffer, twice as big.
lea rax, [15 + r8 * 8]
mov rdi, rsp
shr rax, 4
sal rax, 4
sub rsp, rax
mov rsi, rsp
; finally, allocate rand3 buffer, twice as big aswell.
sub rsp, rax
mov rcx, rsp
mov r9b, BYTE [r15 + rdx]
; map an ASCII character to it's corresponding printable
; character vector equivalent. For normal characters, it's
; usually the value minus 32 (ascii space, ' '). For newline
; though, code 95, therefore there are exactly 96 distinct
; values that can be held inside of a printable vector.
mov al, 95
; 10 -> ascii code for the newline.
cmp r9b, 10
je .skip_nolf
lea eax, [r9 - ' ']
; reversal step two: reverse the floating point trickery.
; the values have been loaded before, so it shouldn't be a problem.
mov BYTE [rdi + rdx], al
; x + 1 / 96, why 96? see above.
movsx eax, al
mov r11d, 127
inc eax
; multiply by 2^53 - 1 (the mantissa size), multiply by 2^-26 (double
; extended precision).
cvtsi2sd xmm0, eax
divsd xmm0, QWORD [rev_magic_1]
mulsd xmm0, xmm1
mulsd xmm0, xmm2
cvttsd2si rax, xmm0
; subtract 0x20, shift the result five and apply FE000000h mask
sub eax, 32
sal eax, 5
and eax, 0xfe000000
mov r9d, eax
; 2 * i (as a single dword maps to two dwords in side buffers).
mov DWORD [rsi + rdx * 8], eax
; standard untempering code we discussed above.
shr r9d, 18
xor eax, r9d
sal r9d, 15
and r9d, 0x2FC60000
xor eax, r9d
mov r9d, 4
mov r10d, eax
and r10d, r11d
sal r11d, 7
sal r10d, 7
and r10d, 0x9D2C5680
xor eax, r10d
dec r9
jne .untemper
mov r10d, eax
shr r10d, 11
and r10d, 2096128
xor eax, r10d
mov r10d, eax
shr r10d, 11
and r10d, 1023
xor eax, r10d
; fill in the second buffer.
mov DWORD [rcx + rdx * 8], eax
; clear next two cells.
mov DWORD [rsi + 4 + rdx * 8], 0
mov DWORD [rcx + 4 + rdx * 8], 0
; Manage the loop.
lea rax, [rdx + 1]
cmp r8, rax
mov QWORD [rbp - target_length], rax
je .generator_step2
mov rdx, QWORD [rbp - target_length]
jmp .rafinate
; make a mersenne twister state out of 2nd buffer.
xor eax, eax
mov esi, DWORD [r12 + 4 * M + 4 + rax * 8]
xor esi, DWORD [rcx + rax * 8]
mov DWORD [r12 + 4 * M + 4 + rax * 8], esi
mov rsi, rax
inc rax
cmp rdx, rsi
jne .state_filler
; done filling the state 0, now as we regain the key
; from it, it is actually our final, final seed!
; load the #1 => state, #2 => length.
mov rsi, rbx
mov QWORD [rbp - temp_keylen], r9
lea rdi, [rbp - mersenne_bp + mt19937.tsv]
call generic_get_seed
; copy the key over to the seed buffer.
lea rcx, [rbx * 4]
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, rax
mov ecx, ecx
rep movsb
; free the old buffer.
mov rdi, rax
call free
; last, final bit of the code: verify the seed.
; first, create the state.
mov rdx, rbx
mov rsi, r14
mov rdi, r13
call init_by_array
mov r9, QWORD [rbp - temp_keylen]
movsd xmm1, QWORD [rev_magic_4]
; loop until we hit NUL in the input string (the end).
cmp BYTE [r15 + r9], 0
je .verify_quit
; randomize two numbers.
mov rdi, r13
call genrand_int32
mov r8d, eax
call genrand_int32
; shift first right by 5, second right by 6.
shr r8d, 5
shr eax, 6
; store, calculate, load back.
cvtsi2sd xmm0, r8d
cvtsi2sd xmm2, eax
mulsd xmm0, xmm1
addsd xmm0, xmm2
mulsd xmm0, QWORD [rev_magic_5]
mulsd xmm0, QWORD [rev_magic_1]
cvttsd2si ecx, xmm0
; printable vector conversions.
mov dl, BYTE [r15 + r9]
mov al, 95
cmp dl, 10
je .wrongspot
lea eax, [rdx - ' ']
movsx eax, al
cmp ecx, eax
je .main_loop_again
cmp QWORD [rbp - target_length], r9
je .display_result
mov edi, stopmsg_internal_err
jmp .main_error
inc r9
jmp .verify_loop
mov rsp, QWORD [rbp - gen_temp]
mov rsi, rbx
mov edi, format_leading
xor eax, eax
call printf
test rbx, rbx
je .display_finished
dec rbx
mov edi, format_interfix
xor eax, eax
mov esi, DWORD [r14 + mt19937.tsv + rbx * 4]
call printf
jmp .display_seed
lea rsp, [rbp - 40]
xor eax, eax
pop rbx
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
pop rbp
I was pretty skeptical of this but interesting fact is that I assume ( I assume because the Palaiologos is the author of the article above ) this method was used in couple of code golfs mentioned here and these are the main reason why I think this is legit solution to something like this. ( Because it would be really time consuming to find such a large number representing a seed needed for generating simple "Hello, World!" by simple brute forcing algorithm )
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