Reputation: 129
I'm working on a mini Java XMPP project using Vysper server and Smack client, I have two modules one for the server and the other for the client similar to a microservice architecture but a pure Java project with no Springboot. I have my configuration setup on the server side and running but when I try to establish a connection on the Client side I get the below exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I have generated an SSL/TSL certificate on my Keystore using shell scripting and imported the same on the client module but the exception persists. Below is my code
XmppServerConfig-Server Module
public class XmppServerConfig {
private final StorageRegistry storageRegistry;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmppServerConfig.class);
public XmppServerConfig(StorageRegistry storageRegistry) {
this.storageRegistry = storageRegistry;
public void config() throws Exception {
WebSocketEndpoint wsEndpoint = new WebSocketEndpoint();
XMPPServer server = new XMPPServer("");
TCPEndpoint endpoint = new TCPEndpoint();
server.setTLSCertificateInfo(new File("part-to/tls-cert/cleaned_myserver.p12"), "password");
try {
System.out.println("server is running...");"server is running... on port {}", server.getServerRuntimeContext());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error occurred while starting server" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
throw new RuntimeException( "error occurred while starting server", e);
TCPConnectionConfiguration - Client Module
public class TCPConnectionConfiguration {
public ModularXmppClientToServerConnectionConfiguration connectXmppServer() {
try {
System.out.println("ConnectingXMPP server connected.");
return ModularXmppClientToServerConnectionConfiguration.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
String causeMessage = e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : e.getMessage();
System.out.println("Unable to connect to XMPP server: " + causeMessage);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to connect to XMPP server", e);
SSLContextConfig-Client Module
public class SSLContextConfig {
public static SSLContext getSSLContext() throws Exception {
String keystorePath = "part-to/tls-cert/client_keystore.p12";
String keystorePassword = "aspace@1234";
String truststorePath = "part-to/tls-cert/client_keystore.p12";
String truststorePassword = "aspace@1234";
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
keystore.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePath), keystorePassword.toCharArray());
KeyStore truststore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
truststore.load(new FileInputStream(truststorePath), truststorePassword.toCharArray());
TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
sslContext.init(null, trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers(), null);
return sslContext;
What am I missing and how can this bug be resolved?
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Views: 26