Reputation: 1
// preload.js
import {ipcRenderer, contextBridge, shell} from 'electron'
// --------- Expose some API to the Renderer process ---------
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
ipcRenderer: {
on(...args: Parameters<typeof ipcRenderer.on>) {
const [channel, listener] = args
return ipcRenderer.on(channel, (event, ...args) => listener(event, ...args))
off(...args: Parameters<typeof>) {
const [channel, ...omit] = args
return, ...omit)
send(...args: Parameters<typeof ipcRenderer.send>) {
const [channel, ...omit] = args
return ipcRenderer.send(channel, ...omit)
invoke(...args: Parameters<typeof ipcRenderer.invoke>) {
const [channel, ...omit] = args
return ipcRenderer.invoke(channel, ...omit)
shell: {
openExternal(url:string) {
return shell.openExternal(url)
// You can expose other APTs you need here.
// ...
// react
window.electron.ipcRenderer.send("some-event","some message!")'')
The console gets: enter image description here
I exposed the ipcRenderer and shell in the preload, and it was no problem to print it, and it was no problem to use ipcRenderer, but it would report an error when using the shell.openExternal. Why cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'openExternal')
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