Reputation: 41
Dear all,
I have trouble using qutip to compute the eigenenergies of an "inductively coupled transmon" circuit:
First I tried to compute the eigenenergies of a Transmon using from the Koch et al. paper:
From that I wrote the following function:
def spectrum(fluxes: np.ndarray,
dim: int=11,
c: float=10e-13,
ic: float=10e-9,
ng: float=0):
n = qtp.charge(int(dim/2))
phi = qtp.phase(dim)
# Charging energy in GHz
ec = (2*cst.e)**2/2/c/cst.h/1e9
# Josephson energy in GHz
ej = cst.phi_0/2/np.pi*ic/cst.h/1e9
# Where we store the eigenenergies
es = np.zeros((len(fluxes), dim-1))
for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes):
h = ec*(n + ng)**2 - ej*(phi.cosm() + (phi - 2*np.pi*flux).cosm())
e = h.eigenenergies()
e = (e - e[0])
es[i] = np.abs(e[1:])
return es
And got the correct Transmon transition frequency:
fluxes = np.linspace(-0.5, 1, 100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ys = spectrum(fluxes, ng=0., dim=21)
ax.plot(fluxes, ys[:,0])
ax.set_ylabel('transitions (GHz)')
We have the expected cos
Then I went for the "inductively coupled transmon" circuit with the following hamiltonian
From that I wrote the following function:
def spectrumInductive(fluxes: np.ndarray,
dim: int=11,
c: float=10e-13,
ic: float=10e-9,
l: float=1000e-12,
ng: float=0):
n1 = qtp.tensor(qtp.charge(int(dim/2))+ng, qtp.qeye(dim))
n2 = qtp.tensor(qtp.qeye(dim), qtp.charge(int(dim/2))+ng)
phi1 = qtp.tensor(qtp.phase(dim), qtp.qeye(dim))
phi2 = qtp.tensor(qtp.qeye(dim), qtp.phase(dim))
nx = (n1+n2)/2
ny = (n1-n2)/2
phix = (phi1+phi2)/2
phiy = (phi1-phi2)/2
# Charging energy in GHz
ec = (2*cst.e)**2/2/c/cst.h/1e9/2
# Josephson energy in GHz
ej = cst.phi_0/2/np.pi*ic/2/cst.h/1e9/2
# The inductance ratio
b = cst.phi_0/2/np.pi/ic/l
h1 = ec*(nx**2 + ny**2)
h2 = ej*(-phix.cosm()*phiy.cosm())
es = np.zeros((len(fluxes), dim*dim-1))
for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes):
h = h1 + h2 + ej*b*(phiy - np.pi*flux)**2
e = h.eigenenergies()
e = (e - e[0])
es[i] = np.abs(e[1:])
return es
And got the incorrect "inductively coupled Transmon" transition frequency:
fluxes = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 20)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ys1 = spectrumInductive(fluxes, c=40e-15, ic=8e-9, l=7.5e-9, dim=21, ng=0.5)
ax.plot(fluxes, ys1[:,0])
ax.set_ylabel('transitions (GHz)')
We do not have the expected cos
If anyone as any tips I would be very grateful!
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