Reputation: 11
I am using sip.js with React-Native-WebRTC for audio calling feature in react native app but getting this error when trying to make outgoing call with Inviter.invite()
here my simplest code is
import { RTCPeerConnection, mediaDevices } from 'react-native-webrtc';
import { UserAgent, Registerer, URI, Inviter } from 'sip.js';
import SipKeys from '../utils/SipKeys';
import customSessionDescriptionHandlerFactory from './customSessionDescriptionHandlerFactory';
import InCallManager from 'react-native-incall-manager';
import { logger } from './logger'
const configuration = {
iceServers: [
{ urls: SipKeys.stunUri, username: SipKeys.username, credential: SipKeys.password },
{ urls: SipKeys.turnUri, username: SipKeys.username, credential: SipKeys.password },
{ urls: SipKeys.gStunUri, username: SipKeys.username, credential: SipKeys.password }
iceTransportPolicy: 'all',
bundlePolicy: 'balanced',
rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require',
const createMockMediaStream = async () => {
try {
const stream = await mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false });
console.debug('Stream created');
return stream;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating media stream', error);
throw error;
const createPeerConnection = async () => {
console.debug('Initializing PeerConnection...');
const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
console.debug('PeerConnection initialized');
peerConnection.onicecandidate = (iceEvent) => {
if (iceEvent.candidate) {
console.debug('ICE Candidate found');
peerConnection.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
console.debug(`Signaling State: ${peerConnection.signalingState}`);
peerConnection.onnegotiationneeded = async () => {
console.debug('Negotiation needed');
peerConnection.ontrack = (event) => {
console.debug('Track event');
peerConnection.onremovetrack = (event) => {
console.debug('Remove track event');
const localStream = await createMockMediaStream();
console.debug('Local stream obtained');
localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => {
console.debug('Adding track');
peerConnection.addTrack(track, localStream);
const offer = await peerConnection.createOffer();
await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer);
console.debug('Offer created');
return peerConnection;
const connectToSIP = async () => {
try {
const uri = new URI('sip', SipKeys.username, SipKeys.uri);
const userAgentOptions = {
transportOptions: {
server: SipKeys.wsServers
authorizationUsername: SipKeys.username,
authorizationPassword: SipKeys.password,
sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: {
peerConnectionOptions: { rtcConfiguration: configuration }
sessionDescriptionHandlerFactory: customSessionDescriptionHandlerFactory,
sipExtension100rel: 'REQUIRED',
viaHost: SipKeys.uri,
autostart: true, // Autostart the UserAgent
const loggerObj = {
logBuiltinEnabled: true, // Disable built-in logging if needed
logLevel: 'debug', // Set desired log level
logConnector: logger, // Use the custom logger
// Log the configuration to ensure logger is correctly passed
console.log('UserAgent configuration:', userAgentOptions);
const userAgent = new UserAgent(userAgentOptions, loggerObj);
userAgent.delegate = {
onConnect: () => console.debug('SIP Connected'),
onDisconnect: () => console.debug('SIP Disconnected'),
userAgent.transport.onConnect = () => console.debug('Transport Connected');
userAgent.transport.onDisconnect = (error) => console.error('Transport Disconnected', error);
const registerer = new Registerer(userAgent);
registerer.stateChange = (newState) => {
if (newState === 'Unregistered' || newState === 'Terminated') {
console.error('SIP Registration state changed:', newState);
await userAgent.start();
const registererOptions = {
requestDelegate: {
onAccept: (response) => console.debug('SIP Registered successfully!', response),
onReject: (response) => console.error('SIP Registration failed', response),
InCallManager.start({ media: 'audio' });
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
return { userAgent, registerer, configuration };
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to connect to SIP', error);
const initiateOutgoingCall = async (userAgent) => {
try {
const target = new URI('sip', SipKeys.targetUri, SipKeys.uri);
const inviter = new Inviter(userAgent, target, {
earlyMedia: true,
allowEarlyMedia: true,
inviteWithoutSdp: false,
sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {
constraints: { audio: true, video: false },
peerConnectionOptions: { rtcConfiguration: configuration },
iceGatheringTimeout: 200,
inviter.delegate = {
onInvite: () => console.debug('Invite event triggered'),
onAccepted: () => console.debug('Call accepted'),
onProgress: response => console.debug('Call in progress', response),
onTerminated: (message, cause) => console.error(`Call terminated: ${cause}`)
await inviter.invite();
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to make a call: ${error.message}`);
I am trying to make outgoing call using sip.js with React-Native-WebRTC but stuck with this error
ERROR Failed to make a call: logger.debug is not a function (it is undefined)
getting this error on Inviter.invite();
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