Ali Arefzadeh
Ali Arefzadeh

Reputation: 3

Elasticsearch custom engine with laravel scout returns null

So i have intergrated elasticsearch to my laravel app and everyhting works fine when i search manually , it does the indexes and everything its just that whenever i use the engine search() methode it always returns null and i don't know why, take a look:

public function search(Builder $builder)
        // Get the search query from the builder
        $query = $builder->query;
        // Define the Elasticsearch search parameters
        $params = [
            'index' => 'products_index', // Use the specified index or search in all indices
            'body' => [
                'query' => [
                    'match' => [
                        'title' => $query

        // Perform the search using the Elasticsearch client
        $response = $this->elasticsearch->search($params);

        // Extract the hits from the response
        $hits = $response['hits']['hits'];

        // Check if the hits contain the expected _source field
        if (empty($hits)) {
            Log::warning('No hits found in the search response');
            return [];

        // Map the search results to Eloquent models
        $models = [];
        foreach ($hits as $hit) {
            // Assuming each document in Elasticsearch corresponds to a single Eloquent model
            if (isset($hit['_source'])) {
                $models[] = $this->map($builder, $hit, $builder->model);

            } else {
                Log::error('Missing _source field in search result', ['hit' => $hit]);

        return $models;

public function map(Builder $builder, $results, $model)

        /*$modelInstance = null;*/
        // Check if the '_source' key exists in the results
        if ($results && isset($results['_source'])) {
            Log::warning('every thing seem fine');
            // Get the primary key name of the model
            $keyName = $model->getKeyName();

            // Create a new instance of the model
            $modelInstance = $model->newInstance();

            // Set the raw attributes of the model from the Elasticsearch source

            // Set the primary key attribute of the model
            $modelInstance->setAttribute($keyName, $results['_id']);
            return $modelInstance;

        }else Log::error('Missing _source field in search results', ['results' => $results]);


whenever i use Product::search($query)->get(); as you can see in my search() methode i have wrote a dump() above the return. the dump($model) works and shows the result but the return is null

I mean is there anything im missing?

p.s and for some reasone even when i empty the search methode, when i search, the engine runs the map() methode!!!!

i have searched alot and used logs and AIs but so far nothing.

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