
Reputation: 196

How to optimize this short factorial function in scala? (Creating 50000 BigInts)

I've compaired the scala version

(BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).reduce(_ * _)

to the python version

reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, range(1,50000))

and it turns out, that the scala version took about 10 times longer than the python version.

I'm guessing, a big difference is that python can use its native long type instead of creating new BigInt-objects for each number. But is there a workaround in scala?

Upvotes: 14

Views: 2796

Answers (4)

Andriy Plokhotnyuk
Andriy Plokhotnyuk

Reputation: 7989

Most efficient way to calculate factorial in Scala is using of divide and conquer strategy:

def fact(n: Int): BigInt = rangeProduct(1, n)

private def rangeProduct(n1: Long, n2: Long): BigInt = n2 - n1 match {
  case 0 => BigInt(n1)
  case 1 => BigInt(n1 * n2)
  case 2 => BigInt(n1 * (n1 + 1)) * n2
  case 3 => BigInt(n1 * (n1 + 1)) * ((n2 - 1) * n2)
  case _ => 
    val nm = (n1 + n2) >> 1
    rangeProduct(n1, nm) * rangeProduct(nm + 1, n2)

Also to get more speed use latest version of JDK and following JVM options:

-server -XX:+TieredCompilation

Bellow are results for Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz (max 3.50GHz), RAM 12Gb DDR3-1333, Windows 7 sp1, Oracle JDK 1.8.0_25-b18 64-bit:

(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).product took: 3,806 ms with 26.4 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).reduce(_ * _) took: 3,728 ms with 25.4 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).reduceLeft(_ * _) took: 3,510 ms with 25.1 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).reduceRight(_ * _) took: 4,056 ms with 25.5 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).fold(BigInt(1))(_ * _) took: 3,697 ms with 25.5 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).par.product took: 406 ms with 66.3 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).par.reduce(_ * _) took: 296 ms with 71.1 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).par.reduceLeft(_ * _) took: 3,495 ms with 25.3 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).par.reduceRight(_ * _) took: 3,900 ms with 25.5 % of CPU usage
(BigInt(1) to BigInt(100000)).par.fold(BigInt(1))(_ * _) took: 327 ms with 56.1 % of CPU usage
fact(100000) took: 203 ms with 28.3 % of CPU usage

BTW to improve efficience of factorial calculation for numbers that greater than 20000 use following implementation of Schönhage-Strassen algorithm or wait until it will be merged to JDK 9 and Scala will be able to use it

Upvotes: 0

Luigi Plinge
Luigi Plinge

Reputation: 51109

Python on my machine:

def func():
  start= time.clock()
  reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, range(1,50000))
  end= time.clock()
  t = (end-start) * 1000
  print t

gives 1219 ms


def timed[T](f: => T) = {
  val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
  val r = f
  val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis
  println("Took: "+(t1 - t0)+" ms")

timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).reduce(_ * _) }
4251 ms

timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).fold(BigInt(1))(_ * _) }
4224 ms

timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).par.reduce(_ * _) }
2083 ms

timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).par.fold(BigInt(1))(_ * _) }
689 ms

// using org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger from Travis's answer
timed { val a = (1 to 50000).foldLeft(LargeInteger.ONE)(_ times _) }
3327 ms

timed { val a = (1 to 50000).map(LargeInteger.valueOf(_)).par.fold(
                                          LargeInteger.ONE)(_ times _) }
361 ms

This 689 ms and 361 ms were after a few warmup runs. They both started at about 1000 ms, but seem to warm up by different amounts. The parallel collections seem to warm up significantly more than the non-parallel: the non-parallel operations did not reduce significantly from their first runs.

The .par (meaning, use parallel collections) seemed to speed up fold more than reduce. I only have 2 cores, but a greater number of cores should see a bigger performance gain.

So, experimentally, the way to optimize this function is

a) Use fold rather than reduce

b) Use parallel collections

update: Inspired by the observation that breaking the calculation down into smaller chunks speeds things up, I managed to get he following to run in 215 ms on my machine, which is a 40% improvement on the standard parallelized algorithm. (Using BigInt, it takes 615 ms.) Also, it doesn't use parallel collections, but somehow uses 90% CPU (unlike for BigInt).

  import org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger

  def fact(n: Int) = {
    def loop(seq: Seq[LargeInteger]): LargeInteger = seq.length match {
      case 0 => throw new IllegalArgumentException
      case 1 => seq.head
      case _ => loop {
        val (a, b) = seq.splitAt(seq.length / 2)
        a.zipAll(b, LargeInteger.ONE, LargeInteger.ONE).map(i => i._1 times i._2)
    loop((1 to n).map(LargeInteger.valueOf(_)).toIndexedSeq)

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 1959

Another trick here could be to try both reduceLeft and reduceRight to see what is fastest. On your example I get a much faster execution of reduceRight:

scala> timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).reduceLeft(_ * _) }
Took: 4605 ms

scala> timed { (BigInt(1) to BigInt(50000)).reduceRight(_ * _) }
Took: 2004 ms

Same difference between foldLeft and foldRight. Guess it matters what side of the tree you start reducing from :)

Upvotes: 1

Travis Brown
Travis Brown

Reputation: 139048

The fact that your Scala code creates 50,000 BigInt objects is unlikely to be making much of a difference here. A bigger issue is the multiplication algorithm—Python's long uses Karatsuba multiplication and Java's BigInteger (which BigInt just wraps) doesn't.

The easiest workaround is probably to switch to a better arbitrary precision math library, like JScience's:

import org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger

(1 to 50000).foldLeft(LargeInteger.ONE)(_ times _)

This is faster than the Python solution on my machine.

Update: I've written some quick benchmarking code using Caliper in response to Luigi Plingi's answer, which gives the following results on my (quad core) machine:

              benchmark   ms linear runtime
         BigIntFoldLeft 4774 ==============================
             BigIntFold 4739 =============================
           BigIntReduce 4769 =============================
      BigIntFoldLeftPar 4642 =============================
          BigIntFoldPar  500 ===
        BigIntReducePar  499 ===
   LargeIntegerFoldLeft 3042 ===================
       LargeIntegerFold 3003 ==================
     LargeIntegerReduce 3018 ==================
LargeIntegerFoldLeftPar 3038 ===================
    LargeIntegerFoldPar  246 =
  LargeIntegerReducePar  260 =

I don't see the difference between reduce and fold that he does, but the moral is clear: if you can use Scala 2.9's parallel collections, they'll give you a huge improvement, but switching to LargeInteger helps as well.

Upvotes: 16

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