
Reputation: 19

After using ga.lasso from the miselect package how do I pool results?

ive been running multiple imputation on a dataset using the mice package creating 5 mids objects. Using those objects ive performed variable selection using the cv.galasso function from the miselect package and the instructions on how to use it found in the documentation here . However i have been unable to pool the 5 results into 1.

I am looking for a way to combine all 5 sets of coefficient estimates back into one model. How should I go about doing that?

# Using the mice defaults for sake of example only.
mids <- mice(miselect.df, m=5, printFlag=FALSE)
dfs <- lapply(1:5, function(i) complete(mids, action=i))
# Generate list of imputed design matrices and imputed responses
x <- list()
y <- list()
for (i in 1:5) {
  x[[i]] <- as.matrix(dfs[[i]][, paste0("X", 1:20)])
  y[[i]] <- dfs[[i]]$Y
pf <- rep(1, 20)
adWeight <- rep(1, 20)
fit <- cv.galasso(x, y, pf, adWeight)

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