Fez Vrasta
Fez Vrasta

Reputation: 14835

Implement Relay-style node query field with Prisma/Postgres?

I'm trying to implement the node field for my Relay compliant server, as defined here.

I'm using Prisma, Yoga, and TypeGraphQL.

I can't understand how to perform a Prisma query so that it searches across all my schemas, I'm also not sure if I have to do anything specific with Prisma to ensure the UUID are unique across tables?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 80

Answers (2)

Fez Vrasta
Fez Vrasta

Reputation: 14835

I'm providing an answer, even though it's not complete. It still provides a way to implement a node resolver, although with some manual work needed to keep it running.

This is my current implementation, it relies on the assumption every node query will include a fragment on the GraphQL object Relay is trying to fetch, for example:

query MyQuery {
    node(id: "2467aacc-3ac7-45a4-a4a4-e2b14587c2c6") {
    ... on CreatorNode {

So even though Prisma doesn't have global identifiers I can understand what model to fetch using the GraphQL query AST as source.

import { DefinitionNode, SelectionNode, parse } from "graphql";
import { Arg, Ctx, Query, Resolver } from "type-graphql";

import { prisma } from "@/prisma";
import { RelayNode } from "@/types/relay-node";
import { Prisma } from "@generated/prisma-client";

import { GraphQLContext } from "..";
import { CreatorNode, ProductPriceNode } from "./creators";

 * Node Resolver
export class NodesResolver {
  @Query(() => RelayNode, { nullable: true })
  async node(@Arg("id") id: string, @Ctx() ctx: GraphQLContext) {
    if (ctx.params.query == null) {
      return null;

    const fragmentTypes = extractFragmentTypes(ctx.params.query);
    const firstFragmentType = fragmentTypes[0];

    if (firstFragmentType == null) {
      return null;

    const modelName = lowerCaseFirstChar(
      firstFragmentType.replace(/Node$/, ""),
    ) as TPrismaModels;

    // @ts-expect-error This is a dynamic property access
    const node = await prisma[modelName].findUnique({ where: { id } });

    let instance;

    switch (modelName) {
      case "creator":
        instance = new CreatorNode();
      case "productPrice":
        instance = new ProductPriceNode();
        throw new Error(
          `Unknown model: ${modelName}, make sure to implement it in the node resolver.`,

    for (const key in node) {
      instance[key as keyof typeof instance] = node[key];

    return instance;

export const resolvers = [NodesResolver] as const;

 * Utilities
function extractFragmentTypes(query: string): string[] {
  const fragmentTypes: string[] = [];
  const ast = parse(query);

  // Traverse the AST to find fragment definitions
  function extractFragments(node: DefinitionNode | SelectionNode) {
    if (node.kind === "InlineFragment" && node.typeCondition) {
    if ("selectionSet" in node && node.selectionSet) {
      node.selectionSet.selections.forEach((selection) => {

  ast.definitions.forEach((definition) => {

  return fragmentTypes;

function lowerCaseFirstChar(s: string): string {
  return s[0].toLowerCase() + s.slice(1);

type LowercaseFirstChar<S extends string> =
  S extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}` ? `${Lowercase<First>}${Rest}` : S;
type TPrismaModels = LowercaseFirstChar<keyof typeof Prisma.ModelName>;

The problem is I have to manually list every single node object type here, I would like a general purpose solution.

Upvotes: 0

biruk belay
biruk belay

Reputation: 1

you can use a library @devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection

import { findManyCursorConnection } from '@devoxa/prisma-relay-cursor-connection'

 //pagArgs is an input you get from your frontend, you can get it as a parameter if this is inside a function
 const { first, last, before, after } = pagArg
const where = {
const baseArgs = {
  include: {
    author: true,
    flags: true
  where: where,
  orderBy: orderBy ? { [orderBy.field]: orderBy.direction } : undefined
const result = await findManyCursorConnection(
        (args) =>
        () =>
            where: where

it does every thing else for you

Upvotes: -1

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