Reputation: 19347
The widget is configured to display 2 columns ( months ) :
function initialDateRangePicker(date_logiciel) { // date_logiciel is String representing date in format YYYY-MM-DD
const picker = new easepick.create({
element: "#closingDate",
css: [
"[email protected]/dist/index.css"
zIndex: 10,
lang: "fr-FR",
format: "DD/MM/YYYY",
grid: 2,
calendars: 2,
plugins: [
RangePlugin: {
delimiter: " - ",
setup(picker) {
picker.on('select', (e) => {
let debutObj = e.detail.start , finObj = e.detail.end;
let debutStr = JSON.stringify(debutObj) , finStr = JSON.stringify(finObj);
let debuts = debutStr.split("T") , fins = finStr.split("T");
tableRemiseEnBanqueDatatables.init(debuts[0], fins[0], JSON.parse('{ "id_liste": "#listeRemiseEnBanque", "icone": "/img/common/icones/bxs_bank.png", "titre": "Remise en banque" }'));
return picker;
How to make it at document ready to preselect date_logiciel to date_logiciel ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 73
Reputation: 196227
Use the startDate
and endDate
options of the range plugin
RangePlugin: {
delimiter: " - ",
startDate: new Date(date_logiciel),
endDate: new Date(date_logiciel),
Upvotes: 1