Reputation: 1
I need help. I'm using the Browser Library robot framework to automate a work application. However, I encountered the following challenge, trying to validate the names of existing columns in a simple way works:
Get Text //span[text()='CPF'] contains CPF
Get Text //span[text()='CNS'] contains CNS
Get Text //span[text()='Nascimento'] contains Nascimento
Get Text //span[text()='Nome'] contains Nome
Get Text //span[text()='Nome da mãe'] contains Nome da mãe
Get Text //span[text()='UF'] contains UF
Get Text //span[text()='Município'] contains Município
Get Text //span[text()='Carteiras'] contains Carteiras
Wanting to make something more technical, I tried to implement it as follows:
${element} Set Variable css=thead tr td span
Wait For Elements State ${element}
... visible 5
Get Text ${element} contains CPF
Get Text ${element} contains CNS
Get Text ${element} contains Nascimento
Get Text ${element} contains Nome
Get Text ${element} contains Nome da mãe
Get Text ${element} contains UF
Get Text ${element} contains Município
Get Text ${element} contains Carteiras
Then the following error is displayed:
Error: locator.waitFor: Error: strict mode violation: locator('div .novaListagem table thead tr td span') resolved to 8 elements: 1) CPF aka getByRole('cell', { name: 'CPF', exact: true }).locator('span') 2) CNS aka getByText('CNS') 3) Nascimento aka getByText('Nascimento', { exact: true }) 4) Nome aka getByRole('cell', { name: 'Nome', exact: true }).locator('span') 5) Nome da mãe aka getByText('Nome da mãe') 6) UF aka getByText('UF') 7) Município aka getByText('Município') 8) Carteiras aka getByText('Carteiras')
The expected result is that in validation it checks whether it contains the columns CPF, CNS, Birth, Name, Mother's name, State, Municipality, Licenses.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 166
Reputation: 343
The reason you are getting the error is explained by rasjani above. One way to verify the column names is:
, that lists your expected column names${elements} Get Elements ${element}
loop over the ${elements}
to Get Text from each ${webelement}
. For example, ${header} Browser.Get Text ${header_element}
List Should Contain Value ${EXPECTED_HEADERS} ${header}
Here is one example table and below is the code that checks if the name of the header/column exists in the @{EXPECTED_HEADERS}
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test to verify column names
Library Collections
Library Browser
*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} chromium
${TABLE_HEADERS} thead > tr > th:nth-child(n)
@{EXPECTED_HEADERS} Year World Population Yearly Change Net Change Density(P/Km²)
*** Test Cases ***
Verify the column name
[Documentation] Test case to verify the column names
Open Site And Consent
Browser.Wait For Elements State text="Year" visible timeout=5s
${header_elements} Browser.Get Elements css=${TABLE_HEADERS}
FOR ${header_element} IN @{header_elements}
${header} Browser.Get Text ${header_element}
Log To Console Header name is: ${header}
Collections.List Should Contain Value ${EXPECTED_HEADERS} ${header}
*** Keywords ***
Open Site And Consent
[Documentation] Opens the example site
Browser.New Browser browser=${BROWSER} headless=False
Browser.New Context viewport={'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}
Browser.New Page ${URL}
Browser.Wait For Elements State xpath=//button[contains(., 'Consent')] visible timeout=5s
Browser.Click xpath=//button[contains(., 'Consent')]
PS C:\Development\robot-scripts\Test_Test> robot -d results ./testdemo6.robot
Testdemo6 :: Test to verify texts
Verify the column name :: Test case to verif the column names ...
Header name is: Year
Header name is: World Population
Header name is: Yearly
Verify the column name :: Test case to verif the column names | FAIL |
[ Year | World Population | Yearly Change | Net Change | Density(P/Km²) ] does not contain value 'Yearly
Testdemo6 :: Test to verify texts | FAIL |
1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed
Output: C:\Development\robot-scripts\Test_Test\results\output.xml
Log: C:\Development\robot-scripts\Test_Test\results\log.html
Report: C:\Development\robot-scripts\Test_Test\results\report.html
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 0