Reputation: 1
I'm trying to mock the import.meta.url property in a Jest setup file within a TypeScript project using the NodeNext module system. My project is configured with "module": "NodeNext" in tsconfig.json, which supports import.meta. However, I'm encountering issues where Jest fails to handle import.meta.url correctly in the setup file. Specifically, I receive TypeScript errors when trying to use import.meta.url, despite having the correct module settings.
Usage code:
import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = dirname(__filename)
* Returns documentation specific to the provided filename
* @param {string} filename - The name of the markdown file
* @returns A promise that resolves to the documentation string
async function getDocumentation(filename: string): Promise<string> {
const filePath = join(__dirname, filename)
try {
const data = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8')
return data
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading documentation file:', error)
throw new Error('Failed to read documentation file')
export { getDocumentation }
Here's my tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["dom", "ESNext"],
"module": "NodeNext",
"target": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "NodeNext",
"moduleDetection": "force",
"rootDir": "./",
"baseUrl": "./",
"outDir": "./dist",
"strict": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"downlevelIteration": false,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"incremental": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
"files": ["src/index.ts", "src/types.d.ts"],
"include": ["src", "knexfile.ts", "src/types.d.ts"],
"exclude": ["dist", "*/**/__tests"]
jest.config.js (also tried .cjs and .mjs)
module.exports = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.ts'],
globals: {
'ts-jest': {
tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json'
Current jest.setup.ts file:
import { URL } from 'url';
import path from 'path';
const metaUrl = new URL('', import.meta.url).toString();
(global as any).__filename = path.resolve(new URL(metaUrl).pathname);
(global as any).__dirname = path.dirname((global as any).__filename);
jest.mock('url', () => ({
fileURLToPath: jest.fn((url: string) => {
if (url === 'file://' + (global as any).__filename) {
return (global as any).__filename;
return url;
I expected the Jest setup file to correctly mock the import.meta.url property, allowing Jest to run tests without TypeScript errors. Specifically, I was trying to set up global variables __filename and __dirname based on import.meta.url. However, I encountered the following TypeScript errors among other similar errors:
jest.setup.ts:7:12 - error TS1343: The 'import.meta' meta-property is only allowed when the '--module' option is 'es2020', 'es2022', 'esnext', 'system', 'node16', or 'nodenext'.
Despite setting "module": "NodeNext" in tsconfig.json, Jest and TypeScript still report issues when using import.meta.url. I have tried various workarounds, including conditionally checking import.meta and setting fallback values, but none have resolved the errors.
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Views: 647
Reputation: 26
There is an npm package for this exact problem: ts-jest-mock-import-meta.
They provide this configuration for ts-jest >= 29.0.0
// jest.config
// [...]
transform: {
'^.+\\.tsx?$': [
diagnostics: {
ignoreCodes: [1343]
astTransformers: {
before: [
path: 'node_modules/ts-jest-mock-import-meta', // or, alternatively, 'ts-jest-mock-import-meta' directly, without node_modules.
options: {
metaObjectReplacement: {
url: ({ fileName }) => `file://${fileName}`,
file: ({ fileName }) => fileName
For ts-jest < 29.0.0
you can use:
// jest.config
// [...]
globals: {
'ts-jest': {
diagnostics: {
ignoreCodes: [1343]
astTransformers: {
before: [
path: 'node_modules/ts-jest-mock-import-meta', // or, alternatively, 'ts-jest-mock-import-meta' directly, without node_modules.
options: {
metaObjectReplacement: {
url: ({ fileName }) => `file://${fileName}`,
file: ({ fileName }) => fileName
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I was unable to solve the import.meta.url related errors, but I was able to solve the problem by just switching the way I was reading in the file data.
Here is my solution which works in a Node environment for those that might find it useful.
import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'
* Returns documentation specific to the provided filename
* @param {string} filePath - The path of the markdown file
* @returns A promise that resolves to the documentation string
async function getDocumentation(filePath: string): Promise<string> {
try {
const resolvedPath = resolve(process.cwd(), filePath)
const data = await fs.readFile(resolvedPath, 'utf-8')
return data
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading documentation file:', error)
throw new Error('Failed to read documentation file')
export { getDocumentation }
Upvotes: 0