Reputation: 1047
(Hebbian learning)
I was given the task of programming the Oja's learning rule and Sanger's learning rule in Matlab, to train a neural network. This NN has 6 inputs and 4 outputs, and my training set comes from a multivariate uniform distribution, such as Xi ~ U(-ai,ai) and ai≠aj, for all i≠j
These are the most relevant files (Most comments and oja.m were not included)
TS = generarVectoresUnif(6, [1, 4, 9, 36, 25, 16], 512);
TS = TS';
W = unifrnd(0,1,[4,6]);
% it not very fast. That's why I put 500 iterations
W_sanger = sanger(W,TS,500, 0.05)
function [ TS ] = generarVectoresUnif( dim, rangos, n )
dimensiones = int8(dim);
tamanio = int32(n);
TS = [];
for i = 1:dimensiones
TS = [TS, unifrnd(-rangos(i), rangos(i), [tamanio, 1]) ];
( NOTE: W is a 4 x 6 size matrix. Wi is the weight vector for the i-th output. Wij = (Wi)j. In the example, TS is a 6 x 512 size matrix )
function [ W ] = sanger( W_init, trainingset, iteraciones , eta)
W = W_init;
% obtiene los tamaños desde los parametros de entrada
size_input = size(W,2);
size_output = size(W,1);
n_patterns = size(trainingset, 2);
% one-tenth part
diezmo = iteraciones/10;
for it = 1:iteraciones
if 0 == mod(it, diezmo)
disp(horzcat('Iteracion numero ', num2str(it), ' de ',num2str(iteraciones)));
% for each pattern
for u = 1:n_patrones
DeltaW = zeros(size(W));
% Vi = sum{j=1...N} Wij * Xj
V = W * trainingset(:,u);
% sumatorias(i,j) is going to replace sum{k=1..i} Vk*Wkj
sumatorias = zeros(size_output,size_input);
for j = 1:size_input
for k = 1:size_output
% sumar de 1 hasta i, sin hacer otro ciclo
sumatorias(k,j) = (V' .* [ones(1,k), zeros(1,size_output-k)]) * W(:,j);
% calcula la variacion
for i = 1:size_output
for j=1:size_input
% Delta Wij = eta * Vi * ( xj - sum{k=1..i} Vk*Wkj )
DeltaW(i,j) = eta * V(i,1) * (trainingset(j,u) - sumatorias(i,j));
W = W + DeltaW;
%W = 1/norm(W) * W; %<---is it necessary? [Hertz] doesn't mention it
Could you tell me please what I am doing wrong? Values of the matrix grow really fast. I have the same problem with oja.m
I've tried:
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Views: 981
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You need small values of eta. Consider your update rule:
DeltaW(i,j) = eta * V(i,1) * (trainingset(j,u) - sumatorias(i,j));
If eta is large, DeltaW
is likely to have a large absolute value (i.e. very big, e.g. 100000, or very small, e.g. -111111). The next time around the loop sumatorias(i,j)
will be quite large, because it is a function of the weights. The more iterations you have, the larger your weights will become, eventually leading to an overflow.
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Reputation: 1047
Ok. After several tries, I made it work.
I choose a relatively small value of eta: 0.00001
W_sanger = sanger(W,TS,1000, 0.00001)
It's still slow, because of not taking advantage of matrix multiplication, which is optimized by Matlab.
I hope it helps someone else to not repeat the same mistake.
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