Reputation: 307
Here is a C# method that validates a webhook signature. The signature is generated by the Ubble API.
private bool SignatureValid(string rawBody, string signatureHeader, string pubKey)
string[] signatureParts = signatureHeader.Split(':');
if (signatureParts.Length is not 3)
logger.LogError("Webhook signature not split into 3 parts: {sig}", signatureHeader);
return false;
string timestamp = signatureParts[0];
string signature = signatureParts[2];
string signedPayload = $"{timestamp}:{rawBody}";
byte[] signedPayloadBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signedPayload);
using ECDsa ecdsa = ECDsa.Create();
ecdsa.ImportFromPem($"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n{pubKey}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----".ToCharArray());
byte[] signatureBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(signature);
bool isValidSignature = ecdsa.VerifyData(signedPayloadBytes, signatureBytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
if (!isValidSignature) logger.LogError("Unable to verify signature for body and sig header: {body}, {sig}", rawBody, signatureHeader);
return isValidSignature;
The problem is that isValidSignature
is always false. This method accepts three parameters - the body of the webhook, the signature the issuer places in the header and the public key. I will share them as well. Can you spot what is wrong the logic given the three inputs?
{"specversion": "2.0", "type": "identity_verification_created", "subject": "idv_01j1zgha0pa5cwhxfhcw08da7p", "id": "evnt_01j1zgha43jd06kgzs1xe1hy96", "time": "2024-07-04T18:36:32Z", "datacontenttype": "application/json", "data": {"applicant_id": "aplt_01j1zgh9z21hjwk045ednvxbs9", "status": "pending", "identity_verification_id": "idv_01j1zgha0pa5cwhxfhcw08da7p", "response_codes": [], "user_journey_id": "usj_01j19zhh6bjwfad1w464vbzhg0"}}
Please note I have a Java sample that is known to work. I can share that as well if needed.
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Views: 108
Reputation: 49460
The signature has the ASN.1/DER format. .NET uses P1363 by default, ASN.1/DER must be explicitly specified in the fourth parameter of VerifyData()
bool isValidSignature = ecdsa.VerifyData(signedPayloadBytes, signatureBytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512, DSASignatureFormat.Rfc3279DerSequence);
With this fix, verification is successful.
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