Reputation: 25
I fitted a model using the metafor package with a moderator interaction for which there is no data for a combination of factor levels.
warm_dat <- fish
warm_dat$factor2<-as.factor(seq(c("A","B","C"),133) )
mod_fit <- = lnrr, V = lnrr_vi,
random = list(~1 | group_ID, ~1 | es_ID),
mods = ~ trait.type*factor2,
method = "REML", test = "t",
control=list(optimizer="optim", optmethod="Nelder-Mead"), data = warm_dat)
I wanted to use the orchaRd package to obtain mean effect sizes and confidence intervals but I get an error.
results1 <- mod_results(mod_fit, group = "group_ID", mod = "trait.type", by = "Measurement_cat")
results2 <- mod_results(mod_fit, group = "group_ID", mod = "trait.type")
Error in ref_grid(result, ...) : Something went wrong: Non-conformable elements in reference grid.
I had a look at the code used in mod_results and found that it relies on emmeans. I tried to adapt the code by manually adding the missing combination of factor levels to the reference grid but the results I obtained were identical to estimates provided by the summary function.
vcov1<- rbind(vcov1,rep(NA, times=11))
vcov1<- cbind(vcov1,rep(NA, times=12))
grid <- emmeans::qdrg(formula = stats::formula(mod_fit),
data = warm_dat, coef = coef1, vcov = vcov1,
df = mod_fit$k - 1)
mm <- emmeans::emmeans(grid, specs =~trait.type * factor2, df = as.numeric(mod_fit$ddf[[1]]))
mm_pi <- pred_interval_esmeans(mod_fit, mm, mod = trait.type)
Any suggestions as to how to obtain estimates and confidnece intervals in this instance would be much appreciated.
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Views: 94
Reputation: 6810
Following my 2nd comment, I think you may kind of have things backwards, in that you are setting some estimates you need to NA
rather than creating a longer list of coefficients that includes NA
s. Try something like this:
X = model.matrix(stats::formula(mod_fit), data = warm_dat)
b = mod_fit$b
full.coef = X[1, ] * NA # a bunch of NAs with the right names
full.coef[names(b)] = b # so now full.coef has NAs only where excluded from b
grid <- emmeans::qdrg(formula = stats::formula(mod_fit),
data = warm_dat, coef = full.coef, vcov = vcov(mod_fit),
df = mod_fit$k - 1)
# etc.
Note that the vcov part is supposed to be the incomplete version with rows and columns dropped.
The code in the OP does not quite work right. So for factor2
I used
warm_dat$factor2 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], 137))[1:410]
The fix I proposed almost works. But an additional issue is that the intercept is named intrcpt
instead of the conventional (Intercept)
returned by model.matrix
. (What's so wrong with package developers following established conventions???) Anyway this necessitates an additional line of code to set the intercept.
So below is the result I obtain. Note that the second element is correctly flagged as non-estimable.
data(fish, package="orchaRd")
warm_dat <- fish
warm_dat$factor2 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], 137))[1:410]
mod_fit <- = lnrr, V = lnrr_vi,
random = list(~1 | group_ID, ~1 | es_ID),
mods = ~ trait.type*factor2,
method = "REML", test = "t",
control=list(optimizer="optim", optmethod="Nelder-Mead"), data = warm_dat)
## Warning: Redundant predictors dropped from the model.
b = mod_fit$b
full.coef = NA * model.matrix(stats::formula(mod_fit), data = warm_dat)[1, ]
full.coef[rownames(b)] = b # so now full.coef has NAs only where excluded from b
full.coef[1] = b[1] # needed because of unconventional naming of the intercept
RG <- emmeans::qdrg(formula = stats::formula(mod_fit),
data = warm_dat, coef = full.coef, vcov = vcov(mod_fit),
df = mod_fit$k - 1)
## trait.type factor2 prediction SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## behaviour A 0.953537 0.2992 409 0.3654 1.5417
## life-history A nonEst NA NA NA NA
## morphology A 0.001582 0.0224 409 -0.0425 0.0456
## physiology A 0.038965 0.0454 409 -0.0502 0.1282
## behaviour B -0.028576 0.1827 409 -0.3878 0.3306
## life-history B 0.444830 0.1296 409 0.1901 0.6995
## morphology B 0.004905 0.0226 409 -0.0394 0.0492
## physiology B -0.000301 0.0467 409 -0.0922 0.0916
## behaviour C 0.057822 0.1889 409 -0.3135 0.4291
## life-history C 0.972144 0.1695 409 0.6389 1.3054
## morphology C -0.004610 0.0234 409 -0.0507 0.0415
## physiology C 0.004195 0.0404 409 -0.0752 0.0836
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Created on 2024-07-26 with reprex v2.1.0
Upvotes: 2