Reputation: 408
I'm working on my C++/CLI project as I'm adding the sub menu items with click event. I'm having a problem with getting the text of the menu item, because when I try this:
Debug::WriteLine("SmtpEmail............" + sender);
I'm getting this as the return output:
System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem, Items.Count: 0, Text: hello
So I will have to convert from a string to system menu item.
When I try this:
MenuItem^ selectedItem = (MenuItem)sender;
Debug::WriteLine("SmtpEmail............" + selectedItem.Text->ToString());
I'm getting an error:
'type cast' : cannot convert from 'System::Object ^' to 'System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem'
The error are jumping on this line:
MenuItem^ selectedItem = (MenuItem)sender;
It said that I cannot convert from 'System::Object ^' to 'System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem'.
Here is the full code:
private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
RegistryKey^ rkCurrentUser = Registry::CurrentUser;
RegistryKey^ rkInternetAccountManager = rkCurrentUser->OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Account Manager\\Accounts");
for each (String^ getkeysNames in rkInternetAccountManager->GetSubKeyNames()) {
if (getkeysNames->Contains("0000000")) {
RegistryKey^ myKey = rkCurrentUser->OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Account Manager\\Accounts\\"+getkeysNames->ToString());
String^ AccountName = myKey->GetValue("Account Name")->ToString();
String^ POP3Server = myKey->GetValue("POP3 Server", "")->ToString();
String^ IMAPServer = myKey->GetValue("IMAP Server", "")->ToString();
String^ HTTPMailServer = myKey->GetValue("HTTPMail Server", "")->ToString();
String^ SmtpDisplayName = myKey->GetValue("SMTP Display Name")->ToString();
String^ SmtpEmail = myKey->GetValue("SMTP Email Address")->ToString();
Debug::WriteLine("getkeys............" + getkeysNames->ToString());
Debug::WriteLine("AccountName............" + AccountName);
Debug::WriteLine("SmtpDisplayName............" + SmtpDisplayName);
Debug::WriteLine("SmtpEmail............" + SmtpEmail);
if (SmtpEmail->Length > 0) {
menuItem121->MenuItems->Add(SmtpEmail)->Click += gcnew EventHandler(this, &Form1::MenuItem_Click);
//Close the Registry.
private: void MenuItem_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e) {
MenuItem^ selectedItem = (MenuItem)sender;
// Access the clicked item here..
//String text = menuitem->Text; // I guess it's called text(?)
Debug::WriteLine("SmtpEmail............" + selectedItem.Text->ToString());
//Debug::WriteLine("SmtpEmail............" + sender);
Can you please show me an example how I can convert from system object\string to menu item so I could get the text of the menuitem?
Upvotes: -1
Views: 74
Reputation: 29009
Refernce types in C++/CLI are used with the Handle to Object Operator(^).
Therefore this line:
MenuItem^ selectedItem = (MenuItem)sender;
Should be changed to:
MenuItem^ selectedItem = (MenuItem^)sender;
Note that this is the equivalent in C# to:
MenuItem selectedItem = (MenuItem)sender;
(i.e. without the ^
So your erronous line is a mix between C# and C++/CLI syntax.
Upvotes: 2