Reputation: 1
folks, I was hoping someone could help me out. I am trying to use a datafile to create a fence plot with Gnuplot (version 5.2 patchlevel 7) that hopefully would look something like this:
However, using the script
set terminal pngcairo enhanced size 800,600
set output 'output1.png'
splot for [i=0:615000:12300] "datafile" index i u 1:2:3 with lines
the results were disappointing. My output:
My datafile is very big and slightly different from the one used to make the plot I'm trying to recreate: It has 615000 lines, with 5000 "blocks" of data, each containing the value of a function at a specific time for 123 grid sites, from grid site 240 to grid site 362, without blank lines between the blocks. It looks like this:
0.000 240 0.20000000E-39
0.000 241 0.20000000E-39
0.000 242 0.20000000E-39
0.000 361 0.20000000E-39
0.000 362 0.20000000E-39
0.020 240 0.20000000E-39
0.020 241 0.20000000E-39
and so on.
If I want some 50 lines to show up on the plot, like , I would imagine I need to skip several blocks, and only plot the relevant block after many timesteps, but I don't know how to do it.
I realize that there are several questions that have been asked about fence plots with Gnuplot, and I went over all of them, but I completely failed in adapting their suggestions to my current case. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Views: 61
Reputation: 15093
The trick is to use plot style "splot with zerror", which draws both a solid line and a filled area associated with that line. For a fence plot the line will be z(x) and the filled area will run from 0 to z(x). The basic format of the plot command will be splot ... using x:y:z:(0):z with zerror
As I understand it, your data consists of 123 scans where each scan contains 5000 points. The x coordinate is in column 1; the scan number is in column 2; the z coordinate is in column 3. The order within the file places all samples at x=0 first, all samples at x=delta_x second, etc. Gnuplot counting starts at zero, so the points in scan 0 (the first scan) consist of every 123rd point starting at point 0.
To select all points in scan N, we would therefore use the specification every 123::N*123
We will use the scan number ("grid site") as the y coordinate. In order to have the scan closest to the viewer occlude the ones further back, the scans must be draw in order from highest y to lowest y.
Assuming 5000 time increments of 0.02 the total range on x is [0:100]. To plot the full range of x samples, the commands will look something like this
unset key
set xyplane at 0
set style fill solid
set xrange [0.0 : 100.0]
splot for [scan=122:0:-1] 'DATA' every 123::scan*123 \
using 1:(scan):2:(0):2 with zerror lc "black" fc bgnd
I don't understand your request for "only 50 lines". The plot you show as a n example has one line for each scan, i.e. one line per grid site. You could cut this in half by plotting for [scan=122:0:-2]
The expected output will look like this (totally made up data)
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