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Run long running Azure Functions via Logic App using Python

I've been trying to resolve this issue for a while now but I can't seem to find a solution.

So as the title suggests, I'm trying to run a long running action in logic apps via Functions. I have a python code that compares 2 excel files and do a little transformation. It's working fine however, the excel file contains almost 20k rows (It's dynamic and more rows will be added in the future) so it takes a while to finish. The actual Python code runs for around 8 minutes but when I convert the same code to Azure Function, it runs about 11 minutes locally. This obviously will hit the timeout limit for Logic apps. While doing some research I found that using HTTP webhook is the easiest and feasible workaround.

Sample blog I found

The idea is to create 2 functions. One is something that the webhook will invoke, pass a callbackUri and return an immediate 202 response. The second one will execute the long running action and call the callbackuri once done.

All of the sample implementations were using C# or other language and no python sample. I ended up using threads.

import logging
import azure.functions as func
import time
import requests
import threading

app = func.FunctionApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)

@app.function_name("http_trigger1 ")
@app.route("http_trigger1 ")
def http_trigger1 (req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:'Webhook request from Logic Apps received.')

    callback_url = req.params.get('callback_url')
    data = req.params.get('data')
    if not callback_url:
            req_body = req.get_json()
        except ValueError:
            callback_url = req_body.get('callback_url')
            data = req_body.get('data')
    if not callback_url:
        return func.HttpResponse(
            "Enter a valid callback URL",
        # Immediately return 202 Accepted
        threading.Thread(target=process_and_callback, args=(callback_url, data)).start()
        return func.HttpResponse(
            "Accepted for processing",
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f'An error occurred: {str(e)}')
        return func.HttpResponse(
            "Error occurred while invoking callback",

def process_and_callback(callback_url: str, data: str) -> None:


        callback_data = {
            "Subject": data 
        # Make callback request
        response =, json=callback_data)
        response.raise_for_status() 'Callback successful with status code: {response.status_code}')
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f'An error occurred while invoking callback: {str(e)}')

I have a 12 minute sleep to simulate a long running action. This seemed to work and it did bypass the timeout limit in Logic App. However here's the problem, After I replace the sleep with my actual code:

  1. The logic apps intermittently returns the following error: RequestEntityTooLarge The request failed with status code '"RequestEntityTooLarge"'.

my request body consists of callbackUri, file1, file2 (both base64 encoded)

  1. Usually once I receive this error, I just 'resubmit' it and it will continue running however, it's stuck (or it appears to be). I haven't seen it finished but It's on a running state for more than 1 hour and 30 minutes (while locally it only takes 11 minutes)

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Happy to share more information if needed.

Edit: I should also note that I tested this using a dummy file (file with fewer rows) and using the approach above worked and executed for only 3 minutes. The problem only occurs when working with the actual file.

Edit2: This a snippet of the actual long running action

        # Read the Excel file 'file1'
    wb_file1 = pd.read_excel(file1)
    column_A = [f"{wb_file1.iloc[i, 7]},{wb_file1.iloc[i, 20]},{wb_file1.iloc[i, 21]}" for i in range(1, len(wb_file1))]

    # Read the Excel file 'file2'
    wb_file2 = pd.read_excel(file2, sheet_name=sheet_name)

    column_a_out = {}
    duplicates = []
    for i, a in enumerate(column_A):
        row_number =  wb_file2.index[(wb_file2.iloc[:, 7].astype(str) + ',' +
                                wb_file2.iloc[:, 20].astype(str) + ',' +
                                wb_file2.iloc[:, 21].astype(str)) == a].tolist()
        if not len(row_number) > 1:
            row = int(row_number[0]) + 2
            column_a = a
            column_f = f"{wb_file1.iloc[i+1, 5]}"
            column_ad = f"{wb_file1.iloc[i+1, 29]}"
            column_af = f"{wb_file1.iloc[i+1, 31]}"
            column_a_file1[i+1] = [row, column_a, column_f, column_ad, column_af]

    # Load workbook into openpyxl for manipulation
    wb_file2 = openpyxl.load_workbook(file2)
    sheet_file2 = wb_file2[sheet_name]   
    for items in column_a_out:
        row_num, a, f, ad, af = column_a_out[items]
        sheet_file2.cell(row=row_num, column=6, value="" if f == 'nan' else f
        sheet_file2.cell(row=row_num, column=30, value="" if ad == 'nan' else ad
        sheet_file2.cell(row=row_num, column=32, value="" if af == 'nan' else af

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Views: 145

Answers (1)

Andrew B
Andrew B

Reputation: 977

Here are a couple of suggestions. I'd recommend the second one.

1. For your current approach of using two functions

Your two-function approach sounds like you're serialising the Excel files (Base64 in your case) and posting them in the request to the function. I guess the Logic Apps "RequestEntityTooLarge" is caused because you're at the limit of how much you can send. This is a bit of a guess; I don't have any experience of Logic Apps personally.

So instead, write the Excel files somewhere - perhaps simply to a Blob resource. It can then call the long-running function, passing the Blob file names to the function, so it can read them directly from blob. You then avoid the large Base64 strings.

2. Pare it back to a single HTTP Trigger function and try optimising it

20k rows of data really isn't a lot. If it's taking around 10 minutes to run, I'd suggest there's a lot of scope for optimising your algorithm. This might be easier than building a complex interaction of multiple functions and long-running jobs.

Would you consider expanding on your algorithm so people can suggest how to speed it up?

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