Paymahn Moghadasian
Paymahn Moghadasian

Reputation: 10359

How to properly instrument `Box<dyn Future<...>>`

I'm adding tracing to my application with quite a bit of legacy code. I've added lots of traces so far but having trouble with a few patterns. One pattern I'm having trouble with is the following

    pub(crate) fn blocks_matching_polling_intervals(
        logger: Logger,
        from: i32,
        to: i32,
        filter: &EthereumBlockFilter,
    ) -> Pin<
            dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<Vec<EthereumTrigger>, anyhow::Error>>
                + std::marker::Send,
    > {
        // Create a HashMap of block numbers to Vec<EthereumBlockTriggerType>
        let matching_blocks = (from..=to)
            .filter_map(|block_number| {
                    .find_map(|(start_block, interval)| {
                        let has_once_trigger = (*interval == 0) && (block_number == *start_block);
                        let has_polling_trigger = block_number >= *start_block
                            && *interval > 0
                            && ((block_number - start_block) % *interval) == 0;

                        if has_once_trigger || has_polling_trigger {
                            let mut triggers = Vec::new();
                            if has_once_trigger {
                            if has_polling_trigger {
                            Some((block_number, triggers))
                        } else {
            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

        let blocks_matching_polling_filter = self.load_ptrs_for_blocks(
            matching_blocks.iter().map(|(k, _)| *k).collect_vec(),

        let block_futures = |ptrs| {
                .flat_map(|ptr| {
                    let triggers = matching_blocks
                        // Safe to unwrap since we are iterating over ptrs which was created from
                        // the keys of matching_blocks
                        .map(move |trigger| EthereumTrigger::Block(ptr.clone(), trigger.clone()));



    pub(crate) fn block_range_to_ptrs(
        logger: Logger,
        from: BlockNumber,
        to: BlockNumber,
    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = Vec<BlockPtr>, Error = Error> + Send> {
        // Currently we can't go to the DB for this because there might be duplicate entries for
        // the same block number.
        debug!(&logger, "Requesting hashes for blocks [{}, {}]", from, to);
            self.load_block_ptrs_rpc(logger, (from..=to).collect())

    fn load_block_ptrs_rpc(
        logger: Logger,
        block_nums: Vec<BlockNumber>,
    ) -> impl Stream<Item = BlockPtr, Error = Error> + Send {
        let web3 = self.web3.clone();

        stream::iter_ok::<_, Error>(block_nums.into_iter().map(move |block_num| {
            let span = info_span!("load_block_ptrs_rpc");
            let web3 = web3.clone();
            retry(format!("load block ptr {}", block_num), &logger)
                .run(move || {
                    let web3 = web3.clone();
                    async move {
                        let block = web3

                        block.ok_or_else(|| {
                            anyhow!("Ethereum node did not find block {:?}", block_num)
        .map(|b| b.into())

blocks_matching_polling_intervals calls block_range_to_ptrs which then calls load_block_ptrs_rpc. The first two functions have the #instrument attribute while the third function manually manages spans. I'm finding that when I run this, the spans that are generated do not have the proper parent-child relationships.

enter image description here

In the above screenshot we can see that blocks_matching_polling_intervals and block_range_to_ptrs both complete in ~60us and that load_block_ptrs_rpc is not a child of block_range_to_ptrs as it should be.

How can I properly instrument blocks_matching_polling_intervals and block_range_to_ptrs? I've tried several variants of using the .instrument() combinator and manually creating/entering spans but none of worked well.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 95

Answers (1)

Paymahn Moghadasian
Paymahn Moghadasian

Reputation: 10359

turns out I needed to add the futures-01 feature to the tracing-futures crate and then the .instrument combinator worked perfectly for block_range_to_ptrs

Upvotes: 0

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