Reputation: 1270
I am trying to build an admin dashboard for my project using
Echo V5
// RegisterRoutes -> a route registeration method used to connect routes to handler funcs dynamically.
func RegisterRoutes(router *echo.Echo) {
returnHome := func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/admin/workspace/analytics")
router.GET("admin/sign-in", signInHandler)
router.POST("admin/sign-in", signInHandler)
router.GET("admin/sign-up", signUpHandler)
router.POST("admin/sign-up", signUpHandler)
// This is the problematic line.
router.GET("admin/workspace/*", adminNavigator)
router.GET("admin/*", returnHome)
as for the
function it's implemented like this
func adminNavigator(c echo.Context) error {
if c.Request().Method != http.MethodGet {
return echo.ErrMethodNotAllowed
// Extract the word immediately following /admin/workspace/ and normalize it
// A good upgrade would be to accept /admin/word directly or accept typos in the word itself.
// Word being the workspace dashboard itself.
word := strings.TrimPrefix(c.Request().URL.Path, "/admin/workspace/")
//word = strings.TrimSuffix(word, ".gohtml") // Safely ignore .gohtml suffix if present
// Compile a regex pattern to match files that include the specific 'word' with any prefix or suffix
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^[^-]*-?` + regexp.QuoteMeta(word) + `-?.*$`)
// Attempt to find the first matching template file
return findMatchingTemplate(&c, RouteMap, pattern)
itself is defined as the following:
func findMatchingTemplate(c *echo.Context, routes map[string]func(c *echo.Context) error, pattern *regexp.Regexp) error {
for route, handler := range routes {
if pattern.MatchString(route) {
return handler(c)
return nil
Where it simply looks up a
route/handler map
defined as follows:
var RouteMap = map[string]func(c *echo.Context) error{
"analytics": CreatePopulateFunc(analytics.PageData),
"presence": CreatePopulateFunc(presence.PageData),
"catalog": CreatePopulateFunc(products.PageData),
"help": CreatePopulateFunc(help.PageData),
"invoice": CreatePopulateFunc(invoices.PageData),
"invoices": CreatePopulateFunc(invoices.PageData),
"new": CreatePopulateFunc(new2.PageData),
"offers": CreatePopulateFunc(offers.PageData),
"onboarding": CreatePopulateFunc(onboarding.PageData),
"orders": CreatePopulateFunc(orders.PageData),
"renewal": CreatePopulateFunc(renewal.PageData),
"reports": CreatePopulateFunc(reports.PageData),
"settings": CreatePopulateFunc(settings.PageData),
"sign-in": CreatePopulateFunc(signin.PageData),
"sign-up": CreatePopulateFunc(signup.PageData),
"store": CreatePopulateFunc(store.PageData),
"uploaders": CreatePopulateFunc(uploaders.PageData),
"users": CreatePopulateFunc(users.PageData),
"vendorDetail": CreatePopulateFunc(vendors.PageData),
// CreatePopulateFunc -> a wrapper that returns a dynamic echo handler func.
func CreatePopulateFunc(pageDataFunc func(c *echo.Context) any) func(c *echo.Context) error {
return func(c *echo.Context) error {
data := pageDataFunc(c)
pageData, _ := ToMapStringAny(data)
_ = admin.Render(c, p.Index(pageData))
return nil
itself is defined as:
// Render -> admin.Render used to render templ components.
func Render(ctx *echo.Context, cmp templ.Component) error {
context := *ctx
logger.LogDuringDev("\nInside admin.Render: %+v\n", context)
err := cmp.Render(context.Request().Context(), context.Response())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Whenever I try to fix this I get the following error:
Inside admin.Render: &{request:0xc000550500 response:0xc00084a240 route:0xc0007ddc70 path:/admin/workspace/* pathParams:0xc000848018 currentParams:[] query:map[] store:map[execStart:{wall:13953535859364049284 ext:12233197001 loc:0x2937480}] echo:0xc00040fd40 lock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:{_:{} v:0} readerWait:{_:{} v:0}}}
2024/08/07 11:45:49 server.go:3489: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from*Response).WriteHeader (response.go:64)
{"time":"2024-08-07T12:27:17.642138+03:00","level":"ERROR","prefix":"echo","message":"response already committed"}
What am I doing wrong here? also please know that using gohtml
works fine, its just when I try to render templ
components with echo that I get this error.
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Views: 85