Reputation: 1
I'm trying to see if there is an extension for VS-Code that allows for defining a fold level based on a string/regex. This would be similar to the foldmethod=expr folding in vim where you can define a function to set the fold level for a line. I'm looking to help examine log files easier in VS-Code, and want to set the fold level based on the log level for a line. I have a similar definition for vim, but I'm looking to migrate a similar solution to VS-Code.
For example, here is the .vimrc definition that accomplishes this:
" --- LogLevelFolding Setup {{{2
let g:LogLevelFoldMap = [
\ [ '###', 0 ],
\ [ '\[EMERG\]', 1 ],
\ [ '\[ALERT\]', 2 ],
\ [ '\[CRIT\]', 3 ],
\ [ '\[ERR\]', 4 ],
\ [ '\[WARN\]', 5 ],
\ [ '\[NOTICE\]', 6 ],
\ [ '\[INFO\]', 7 ],
\ [ '\[DEBUG\]', 8 ],
\ [ '\[VERBOSE\]', 9 ],
\ ]
" --- FoldLevelLog() {{{2
function! FoldLevelLog(lnum)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
for [level, foldlevel] in g:LogLevelFoldMap
if line =~? level
return foldlevel
return len(g:LogLevelFoldMap)
set foldmethod=expr
set foldexpr=FoldLevelLog(v:lnum)
Then with something like this, the the fold level can be set to 4 for example and all lines defined with a log level of ERR or higher would be seen and all other lines folded.
I've found a number of VS-Code extensions that allow for defining a single region to fold, but not one that actually sets the fold level based on an expression. Is there one out there I missed or does anyone know of a way to accomplish this?
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