Reputation: 26
Opensearch + Opensearch-Dashboards + Fluent-Bit
Parse Apache Tomcat's catalina.out
log file
Flush 5
Log_Level info
Parsers_File parsers.conf
Name tail
Tag tomcat.access
Path /u01/tomcat/apache-tomcat/logs/access*.txt
Parser tomcat_access
Name tail
Tag tomcat.catalina
Path /u01/tomcat/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out
Name multiline
Match tomcat.catalina
multiline.key_content log
multiline.parser tomcat_catalina_multiline, java
Name parser
Match tomcat.catalina
Key_Name log
Parser tomcat_catalina_spring
Preserve_key On
Name file
Match tomcat.catalina
Path /u01/fluent-bit
Format out_file
Name opensearch
Match tomcat*
Host <host>
Port <port>
Suppress_Type_Name On
Index tomcat-test
Name tomcat_access
Format regex
Regex ^(?<host>\S+) (?<ident>\S+) (?<user>\S+) \[(?<time>.*)\] "(?<method>\S+) (?<url>\S+) (?<protocol>\S+)" (?<status>\S+) (?<size>\S+)$
Time_Key time
Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
Name tomcat_catalina_spring
Format regex
Regex ^(?<time>\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)\s+(?<level>\S+) \d+ --- \[\s*(?<thread>[^\]]+)\] (?<context>\S+)\s+: (?<message>.*)$
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L
name tomcat_catalina_multiline
type regex
flush_timeout 500
# rules | state name | regex pattern | next state
# ------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------
rule "start_state" "/^(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)(.*)$/" "empty_row"
rule "empty_row" "/^$/" "error_row"
rule "error_row" "/^.*$/" "stacktrace"
rule "stacktrace" "/^(\s*at .*|)$/" "stacktrace"
I've configured an output to a file for debugging purposes.
The tomcat.catalina
contents seem to be just fine:
tomcat.catalina: [1723676238.680000000, {"level":"ERROR","thread":"main","context":"com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool","message":"HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization."}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703756094, {"log":"java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection\n\tat ]
... <enormous multiline log entry here ...>"]
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703751094, {"log":"\n"}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723676238.682000000, {"level":"WARN","thread":"main","context":"ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext","message":"Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException... <long message here>"}]
### ... ###
### some seem to be parsed exactly how I need entries, same as following... ###
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703843277, {"log":"\n"}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723676238.694000000, {"level":"INFO","thread":"main","context":"ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener"}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703843277, {"log":"\n"}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723676238.723000000, {"level":"ERROR","thread":"main","context":"o.s.boot.SpringApplication","message":"Application run failed"}]
### and so on... ###
When I go to my Opensearch-Dashboards Discover tab, the parsed single line entries (those with level
, thread
, context
and message
fields) are not there. Only multiline ones and these:
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703843277, {"log":"\n"}]
(The least show up as empty log
ofc, the \n
symbol emerges only in JSON
The fields are present at tomcat-test
index Mappings
and also show up in Fields
of tomcat-test
index pattern.
I've refreshed the tomcat-test
index pattern fields, deleted the tomcat-test
index, restarted both Fluent-Bit and Tomcat to recreate the index and push some new entries there. No errors reported by either Opensearch-Dashboards or Fluent-Bit.
The logs are there but... in the future. 3 hours ahead. Can also be found in Dashboards by adjusting the time filter.
E.g. if compare those two:
tomcat.catalina: [1723665438.703843277, {"log":"\n"}]
tomcat.catalina: [1723676238.694000000, {"level":"INFO","thread":"main","context":"ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener"}]
Apologies for not looking at the log entries' timestamps carefully.
What am I actually missing here?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 127
Reputation: 26
I'm in UTC+3 timezone. Time_Offset
parser parameter does the magic (
Still have no idea why exactly these logs are "in the future" though.
Upvotes: 0