Reputation: 1
The QChart in Qt 5.15 freezes when zooming out to a very small scale. As you continue to zoom in on the QChart in Qt 5.15, the application progressively slows down, resulting in significant lag and delays. The chart becomes less responsive with each zoom level increase, causing a noticeable drop in performance. This issue is particularly evident when handling large datasets or when the zoom level reaches a high magnification, where the rendering and interaction with the chart start to feel sluggish and unresponsive.
`import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQml 2.12
import QtCharts 2.3
Window {
id: itemChart
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property alias chartView: chartView
ListModel { id: stackZoomModel; }
property real initialDistanceMin: -2
property real initialDistanceMax: 1000
property real initialAltitudeMin: 0
property real initialAltitudeMax: 800
function appendZoomLevelStack () {
stackZoomModel.append({"xmin" : distanceAxis.min, "xmax" : distanceAxis.max,
property real valueDistanceMin: -2
property real valueDistanceMax: 1000
property real valueAltitudeMin: 0
property real valueAltitudeMax: 800
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color : "black"
ChartView {
opacity: 0.90 0
margins.bottom: 0
margins.right: 0
margins.left: 0
// backgroundColor: themeParameters.colorChartViewBackground
backgroundColor: chartView.themeChart ? themeParameters.colorChartViewBackground : "black"
width: parent.width - 35
height: parent.height
anchors.right: parent.right
legend.visible: false
antialiasing: false
dropShadowEnabled: false
ValueAxis {
id: distanceAxis
titleText: "<font 4='white'>Distance</font>"
max: initialDistanceMax
// tickCount: chartView.themeChart ? 6 : 2
tickCount: 6
minorTickCount: 1
gridVisible: false
minorGridVisible: true
// color: chartView.themeChart ? "white" : chartView.areaLineColor
color: "white"
gridLineColor: "white"
labelsColor: "white"
labelFormat: "%.0f " // "%.0f km"
// titleVisible: true
titleVisible: false
ValueAxis {
id: altitudeAxis
// titleText: "Altitude"
titleText: "<font color='white'>Altitude</font>"
min: 0
max: initialAltitudeMax
tickCount: 5
minorTickCount: 1
gridVisible: false
minorGridVisible: true
color: "white"
gridLineColor: "white"
labelsColor: "white"
labelFormat: "%.0f" // "%.0f km" якщо потрібно повернути розмірність
titleVisible: false
LineSeries {
axisX: distanceAxis
axisY: altitudeAxis
color: "lightblue"
style: Qt.DashLine
// visible: false
pointsVisible: true
LineSeries {
axisX: distanceAxis
axisY: altitudeAxis
color : "red"
style: Qt.DotLine
XYPoint { x: -99999; y: 700}
XYPoint { x: +99999; y: 700 }
opacity: 1
width: chartView.themeChart ? 1 : 2
Rectangle {
id: selectionRect
color: "transparent"
border.color: "white"
visible: false
z: 5
radius: 5
border.width: 2
opacity: 0.6
Rectangle {
id: selectionRectangleBorder
color: "white"
opacity: 0.2
z: 5
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 5
MouseArea {
id: mouseAreaDrag
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: getCursorShape()
property point pressPoint
property real startPointX: 0
property real startX: 0
property real finishX: 0
property real startY: 0
property real finishY: 0
property real dragStartX: 0
property real dragStartY: 0
function getCursorShape () {
if (mouseAreaDrag.enabled ) {
if (mouseAreaDrag.dragActive) return Qt.ClosedHandCursor
else {return Qt.OpenHandCursor}
property bool draggingX: false
property bool draggingY: false
property bool dragActive : false
onPressed: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {
dragStartX = mouse.x
startX = distanceAxis.min
finishX = distanceAxis.max
dragStartY = mouse.y
startY = altitudeAxis.min
finishY = altitudeAxis.max
draggingX = false
draggingY = false
dragActive = true
onReleased: {
dragActive = false
onPositionChanged: { // перетягування без меж
if (mouse.buttons & Qt.LeftButton) {
// if (!draggingX && !draggingY) {
// Визначаємо напрямок перетягування
if (Math.abs(mouse.x - dragStartX) > Math.abs(mouse.y - dragStartY)) {
draggingX = true
} else {
draggingY = true
// }
// if (draggingX) {
var deltaX = (mouse.x - dragStartX) * (distanceAxis.max - distanceAxis.min) / parent.width
distanceAxis.min = startX - deltaX
distanceAxis.max = finishX - deltaX
// }
// if (draggingY) {
var deltaY = (mouse.y - dragStartY) * (altitudeAxis.max - altitudeAxis.min) / parent.height
altitudeAxis.min = startY + deltaY
altitudeAxis.max = finishY + deltaY
// }
onWheel: { // перетягування по двом осям
var zoomFactor = wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1
var mouseX = wheel.x / parent.width
var mouseY = wheel.y / parent.height
var rangeX = (distanceAxis.max - distanceAxis.min) * zoomFactor
var rangeY = (altitudeAxis.max - altitudeAxis.min) * zoomFactor
var newMinX = distanceAxis.min + (distanceAxis.max - distanceAxis.min) * mouseX * (1 - zoomFactor)
var newMaxX = newMinX + rangeX
var newMinY = altitudeAxis.min + (altitudeAxis.max - altitudeAxis.min) * mouseY * (1 - zoomFactor)
var newMaxY = newMinY + rangeY
distanceAxis.min = newMinX
distanceAxis.max = newMaxX
altitudeAxis.min = newMinY
altitudeAxis.max = newMaxY
// onWheel: {
// if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) {
// chartView.zoomIn();
// } else {
// chartView.zoomOut();
// }
// }
tried using built-in solutions
// onWheel: {
// if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) {
// chartView.zoomIn();
// } else {
// chartView.zoomOut();
// }
// }`
but nothing helped`
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Views: 28