Reputation: 17
I’m fairly new to NetSuite, although I have done some maintenance work on existing SuiteScript code before. Currently, I’m working on a NetSuite User Event Script that uses Handlebars.js to generate a JSON payload from customer record data. However, I keep running into an error where the script logs "Handlebars is not defined". Despite trying different approaches to load and initialize Handlebars, the issue persists.
Environment: NetSuite API Version: 2.0 Script Type: User Event Script Script Trigger: After Submit on Customer record creation and edit What I've Tried: Loading Handlebars.js:
I uploaded the handlebars.min.js file to the SuiteScripts/Libraries folder in NetSuite. I’m loading the library using the file.load() function and then trying to execute it using Function().
Attempt to Initialize Handlebars:
var handlebarsFile = file.load({ id: 'SuiteScripts/Libraries/handlebars.min.js' });
var handlebarsLib = handlebarsFile.getContents();
var Handlebars = Function(handlebarsLib + 'return Handlebars;')();
Error Handling:
Despite this, I’m consistently seeing the error "Handlebars is not defined" in the script execution logs.
Script Details: Here's my script:
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/record', 'N/log', 'N/file', 'N/https'], function(record, log, file, https) {
function afterSubmit(context) {
log.debug('Script Triggered', 'After Submit script triggered for customer record.');
if (context.type !== context.UserEventType.CREATE && context.type !== context.UserEventType.EDIT) return;
try {
// Load the Handlebars.js library
var handlebarsFile = file.load({
id: 'SuiteScripts/Libraries/handlebars.min.js'
var handlebarsLib = handlebarsFile.getContents();
// Execute the Handlebars library code in the current scope
var Handlebars = Function(handlebarsLib + 'return Handlebars;')();
log.debug('Handlebars Loaded', 'Successfully loaded Handlebars.');
// Load the customer record
var customer = record.load({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
log.debug('Customer Record Loaded', 'Customer ID: ' +;
// Extract customer data
var data = {
email: customer.getValue('email') || '',
firstname: customer.getValue('firstname') || '',
lastname: customer.getValue('lastname') || '',
username: customer.getValue('email') || '',
phone: customer.getValue('phone') || '',
role: customer.getText('pricelevel') || '',
password: customer.getValue('custentity_pm_int_cust_pass') || '',
billing: {},
shipping: {}
// Extract address book data
var addressCount = customer.getLineCount('addressbook');
for (var i = 0; i < addressCount; i++) {
var isBilling = customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'defaultbilling',
line: i
var isShipping = customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'defaultshipping',
line: i
var address = {
company: customer.getValue('companyname') || '',
firstname: customer.getValue('firstname') || '',
lastname: customer.getValue('lastname') || '',
addr1: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'addr1',
line: i
}) || '',
addr2: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'addr2',
line: i
}) || '',
city: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'city',
line: i
}) || '',
state: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'state',
line: i
}) || '',
zip: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'zip',
line: i
}) || '',
country: customer.getSublistValue({
sublistId: 'addressbook',
fieldId: 'country',
line: i
}) || '',
phone: customer.getValue('phone') || ''
if (isBilling) {
data.billing = address;
log.debug('Billing Address Found', JSON.stringify(address));
if (isShipping) {
data.shipping = address;
log.debug('Shipping Address Found', JSON.stringify(address));
// Handlebars template as a string
var templateSource =
'{' +
'"data":{' +
'"email": "{{}}",' +
'"first_name": "{{record.firstname}}",' +
'"last_name": "{{record.lastname}}",' +
'{{#if record.pricelevel}}' +
'"role": [' +
'"{{wooCommerceRole}}",' +
'{{#if record.custentity_pm_int_ws_credit_hold}} "credit_hold", {{/if}}' +
'{{#if_eq record.terms.internalid "4"}} "cod" {{else}} "terms" {{/if_eq}}' +
'],' +
'{{/if}}' +
'{{#if record.custentity_pm_int_update_ws_pass}}' +
'"password": "{{record.custentity_pm_int_cust_pass}}",' +
'{{/if}}' +
'"username": "{{}}",' +
'"phone": "{{}}"' +
'{{#if (gt record.addressbook.length 0)}}' +
'{{#each record.addressbook}}' +
'{{#if defaultbilling}}' +
',"billing": {' +
'"company": "{{../record.companyname}}",' +
'"first_name": "{{../record.firstname}}",' +
'"last_name": "{{../record.lastname}}",' +
'"address_1": "{{addr1}}",' +
'"address_2": "{{addr2}}",' +
'"city": "{{city}}",' +
'"state": "{{state}}",' +
'"postcode": "{{zip}}",' +
'"country": "{{country}}",' +
'"phone": "{{../}}"' +
'}' +
'{{/if}}' +
'{{/each}}' +
'{{#each record.addressbook}}' +
'{{#if defaultshipping}}' +
',"shipping": {' +
'"company": "{{../record.companyname}}",' +
'"first_name": "{{../record.firstname}}",' +
'"last_name": "{{../record.lastname}}",' +
'"address_1": "{{addr1}}",' +
'"address_2": "{{addr2}}",' +
'"city": "{{city}}",' +
'"state": "{{state}}",' +
'"postcode": "{{zip}}",' +
'"country": "{{country}}",' +
'"phone": "{{../}}"' +
'}' +
'{{/if}}' +
'{{/each}}' +
'{{/if}}' +
'}' +
// Compile the Handlebars template with the data
var hbTemplate = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);
var jsonData = hbTemplate({
record: data
log.debug('Generated JSON', jsonData);
// Send the JSON to the middleware endpoint
var response ={
url: '',
body: jsonData,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
log.debug('Response from API', response.body);
} catch (e) {
log.error('Error in afterSubmit', e.message);
return {
afterSubmit: afterSubmit
Original Handlebars Template: Here's the original Handlebars template I'm trying to work with:
"data": {
"email": "{{}}",
"first_name": "{{record.firstname}}",
"last_name": "{{record.lastname}}",
#if record.pricelevel
"role": [
#if record.custentity_pm_int_ws_credit_hold
/if}} {
#if_eq record.terms.internalid "4"
"cod" {
"terms" {
], {
/if}} {
#if record.custentity_pm_int_update_ws_pass
"password": "{{record.custentity_pm_int_cust_pass}}", {
"username": "{{}}",
"phone": "{{}}" {
#ifgreaterthan record.addressbook.length 0
} {
#each record.addressbook
} {
#if defaultbilling
}, "billing": {
"company": "{{{../record.companyname}}}",
"first_name": "{{../record.firstname}}",
"last_name": "{{../record.lastname}}",
"address_1": "{{addressbookaddress.addr1}}",
"address_2": "{{addressbookaddress.addr2}}",
"city": "{{}}",
"state": "{{addressbookaddress.state}}",
"postcode": " {{}}",
"country": "{{}}",
"phone": " {{{../}}}"
/if}} {
#each record.addressbook
} {
#if defaultshipping
}, "shipping": {
"first_name": "{{../record.firstname}}",
"last_name": "{{../record.lastname}}",
"company": "{{{../record.companyname}}}",
"address_1": "{{addressbookaddress.addr1}}",
"address_2": "{{addressbookaddress.addr2}}",
"city": "{{}}",
"state": "{{addressbookaddress.state}}",
"postcode": " {{}}",
"country": "{{}}",
"phone": " {{{../}}}"
} {
/if}} {
/each}} {
What I Need Help With:
Correct Method for Loading Handlebars.js: Is there a more reliable way to load and initialize Handlebars in a NetSuite SuiteScript environment?
Alternatives: If Handlebars is not viable in SuiteScript, what alternatives would you suggest for dynamically generating JSON from a template?
Maybe I’m going about this the wrong way, so I’d really appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can offer.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 116
Reputation: 162
You'll need to define your handlebars library ...'N/https','./Libraries/handlbars.min']... and then set variable for it in function ...https, Handlebars) {...
Upvotes: 0