Reputation: 527
I've followed the main documentation guidance with the following code, for cleaning sessions using Spring Session
internal class RedisCleanUpConfig {
* No specific configuration or action should be taken regarding Redis keyspace notifications.
fun configureReactiveRedisAction(): ConfigureReactiveRedisAction {
return ConfigureReactiveRedisAction.NO_OP
* Disables the default clean up task
fun reactiveSessionRepositoryCustomizer(): ReactiveSessionRepositoryCustomizer<ReactiveRedisIndexedSessionRepository> {
return ReactiveSessionRepositoryCustomizer { sessionRepository: ReactiveRedisIndexedSessionRepository ->
* For cleanup operations (i.e. removing expired session from a ZSet (Sorted Sets) in Redis)
* Spring's scheduling mechanism will automatically call the cleanup method according to the schedule
* defined by the @Scheduled annotation.
internal class SessionEvicter(
private val redisOperations: ReactiveRedisOperations<String, String>,
springSessionProperties: SpringSessionProperties,
) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val redisKeyLocation = springSessionProperties.redis?.expiredSessionsNameSpace
?: "spring:session:sessions:expirations"
// run every 120 seconds
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 120, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
fun cleanup(): Mono<Void> {
val now =
val pastFiveMinutes = now.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(5))
val range = Range.closed(
val limit = Limit.limit().count(500)
// get the ZSet (Sorted Set) operations
val zSetOps = redisOperations.opsForZSet()
return zSetOps.reverseRangeByScore(redisKeyLocation, range, limit)
.flatMap { sessionIdsList ->
if (sessionIdsList.isNotEmpty()) {"Found ${sessionIdsList.size} sessions to remove.")
val removal = zSetOps.remove(
} else {"No sessions found to remove.")
.doOnSuccess {"Cleanup operation completed.")
.doOnError { e ->
logger.error("Error during cleanup operation: ${e.message}")
For some reason the sessions don't really get deleted. The sorted set just keeps building up. Is that by design.
I do get a message from Netty server about whether sessions were found to delete or not, very 120s. It always says none were found.
Any ideas where I am maybe wrong?
36 sessions - none have been deleted?
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Views: 35