Reputation: 1
I searched without success in the forums, so I try to get help from you. Thank you in advance
I am testing a code in vba that causes me a problem using the vlc activex. I want to display my webcam. I have two webcams. When I follow the parameter of the name of the webcam, it is not taken into account and it is always the webcam1 that appears.
I use office professional plus 2019 on windows 10. I installed VLC Vetinari which allowed me to have the activex by adding the reference VideoLAN VLC ActiveX Plugin and by adding the additional control VLC ActiveX Pluging and IE Web Plugin v2.
Here is the code that works when I use the shell function. with this code, I manage to define the name of the usb camera that I want and it works.
Sub ConnectWebcamWithShell()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim vlcPath As String vlcPath = """C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe""" ' Path to VLC, adjust if necessary
Dim webcamName As String webcamName = "dshow:// :dshow-vdev=""Logi C270 HD WebCam"" :dshow-adev=none :dshow-size=1280x720 :dshow-fps=30"""
Dim command As String command = vlcPath & " " & webcamName
' Run VLC command
Shell command, vbNormalFocus
MsgBox "Webcam connected and playing with specified options" Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub
ere is the code I use in a userform with the activeX control. But here, the option for defining the name of my camera is not taken into account. It is always the other camera that is displayed. The camera that is defined first in my devices. Note that the other option parameters such as options(2) = ":dshow-size=320x240" work well when I change the values to 640x480 for example. But nothing to do for the name of the camera. Would you please have a solution. I tried to add the quotes as necessary when I use shell but nothing works.
Sub ConnectWebcamWithOptions()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim vlc As Object Set vlc = CreateObject("VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2")
' Check if the VLC object was created successfully If vlc Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Unable to create the VLC object. Make sure that VLC is installed and the ActiveX is registered.", vbCritical Exit Sub End If
' Configure VLC to use the webcam with options
Dim options(3) As String
options(0) = ":dshow-vdev=Logi C270 HD WebCam"
options(1) = ":dshow-adev=none"
options(2) = ":dshow-size=640x480"
'options(2) = ":dshow-size=320x240"
'options(2) = ":dshow-size=1920x1080"
'options(2) = ":dshow-size=1280x720"
options(3) = ":dshow-fps=30"
'options(3) = ":dshow-fps=15"
'options(4) = ":dshow-vdev=none" ' Disable built-in webcam
' Add webcam to playlist with options
vlc.Playlist.Add "dshow://", "WebCam", options vlc.Playlist.Play
' Wait for video to start playing
Do While vlc.input.State \<\> 3 ' 3 means video is playing
MsgBox "Webcam connected and playing with specified options"
Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub
I have tried several solutions for naming the camera.
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