Reputation: 1
VLCException: Failed to perform instanciation on the native side. Make sure you installed the correct VideoLAN.LibVLC.[YourPlatform] package in your platform specific project
LibVLCSharp.Shared.Internal.OnNativeInstanciationError () (at <c143e631d5a54a7ca1a10155c09a821c>:0)
LibVLCSharp.Shared.Internal..ctor (System.Func`1[TResult] create, System.Action`1[T] release) (at <c143e631d5a54a7ca1a10155c09a821c>:0)
LibVLCSharp.Shared.LibVLC..ctor (System.String[] options) (at <c143e631d5a54a7ca1a10155c09a821c>:0)
CameraLogic.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/Cameras/CameraLogic.cs:28)
I´m trying to make this on an unity project, i´ve imported all the dlls of libvlc, libvlccore, an libvlcsharp, but it returns me this error, and i dont know how to solve it (Without installing vlc-unity asset).
I need this for running an rtsp server for an interface of cameras. This is my code:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
using LibVLCSharp.Shared;
public class CameraLogic : MonoBehaviour
public Material screenMat;
public GameObject screen;
public float changeSpeed = 1.0f; // Velocidad de cambio de textura (segundos por cambio)
public bool hasSignal;
public Texture2D[] noSignalFrames;
private float timer = 0.0f;
private int currentIndex = 0;
public int id = 0;
public string nombre = "No Signal";
public string cameraID;
public Texture2D cameraFrame;
private Material selfMat;
private LibVLC _libVLC;
private MediaPlayer _mediaPlayer;
private GCHandle _gcHandle;
private void Start()
// Opciones para LibVLC
_libVLC = new LibVLC();
_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC);
// Inicializar la textura de la cámara
cameraFrame = new Texture2D(640, 480, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
selfMat = new Material(screenMat);
// Asignar el material al objeto de la pantalla
if (screen != null)
screen.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = selfMat;
Debug.LogError("El objeto 'screen' no está asignado.");
// Configurar VLC para renderizar en la textura de Unity
_mediaPlayer.SetVideoFormat("RV32", (uint)cameraFrame.width, (uint)cameraFrame.height, (uint)(cameraFrame.width * 4));
_gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(cameraFrame.GetPixels32(), GCHandleType.Pinned);
(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr planes) =>
planes = _gcHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
return IntPtr.Zero;
(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture, IntPtr planes) =>
// Puedes añadir código adicional si necesitas procesar algo al desbloquear
(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture) =>
if (cameraFrame != null)
Debug.LogError("cameraFrame es null.");
var media = new Media(_libVLC, "Here is the rtsp link");
void Update()
if (_mediaPlayer == null)
hasSignal = false;
Debug.LogError("MediaPlayer no está inicializado.");
if (cameraFrame == null)
Debug.LogError("cameraFrame no está inicializado.");
if (!_mediaPlayer.IsPlaying)
hasSignal = false;
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= changeSpeed)
timer = 0.0f;
hasSignal = true;
if (!hasSignal)
void ShowNoSignal()
if (noSignalFrames.Length > 0)
selfMat.mainTexture = noSignalFrames[currentIndex];
selfMat.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", noSignalFrames[currentIndex]);
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % noSignalFrames.Length;
Debug.LogError("No hay marcos de 'no signal' disponibles.");
void PrintImage()
if (selfMat != null)
selfMat.mainTexture = cameraFrame;
selfMat.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", cameraFrame);
Debug.LogError("selfMat no está inicializado.");
private void OnDisable()
if (_gcHandle.IsAllocated)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 107
Reputation: 4049
You need vlc-unity as it is the package that allows you to expose the VLC video as a texture.
The vlc-unity asset also takes care of putting the library at the right place, which you likely haven't.
Upvotes: 0