
Reputation: 1259

How to make background-position and background-size responsive by using percentages in css?

I want to avoid hardcoding values for background-position and background-size with pixels and I'm trying to set both using percentages. However, if I make it work on one viewport size, say desktop, things work unexpected on tablet/mobile viewport size - that is, I need to use different values for the y-coordinate of background-position for different viewport width in order to retain the same position (otherwise image disappears as the viewport gets narrow). In the below code I use percentages for the green card only, the rest are just for demo purposes.

How can I have a single value for the y-part of background-position for all screen sizes without writing media queries with some magic values and maintain the same background image position?

Please run the snippet in full page mode and resize the window to reproduce.

Expected behaviour on smaller screen sizes (background-position-y is 132% on the screenshot, whereas I use 200% in the example):

enter image description here

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