Reputation: 158
I'm using Karate 1.4.0
I have some Karate Scenarios to test my application and I'm using a Karate MockServer as mocked downstream service.
To simulate edge case scenarios (e.g. empty results from downstream), I want to select a specific mock file based on the running Karate Scenario. Is there a way to know which is the Scenario that triggered the downstream mock call?
// myScenarios.feature
Scenario: scenario 123
// myDownstreamMock.feature
Scenario: pathMatches('/downstream/path/api/v0')
def responseStatus = 200
string mockFileName = "<NAME_BASED_ON_MY_SCENARIO_123>.json"
def response = read (mockFileName)
At the moment the only workaround I found is to pass this information into some fields I know are propagated to the downstream (e.g. custom headers) so that I can retrieve that field in mock feature and select the proper mock file.
For example:
// myScenarios.feature
Scenario: scenario 123
And headers {'test-id': 'scenario123'}
When method post
// myDownstreamMock.feature
Scenario: pathMatches('/downstream/path/api/v0')
string mockFileName = requestHeaders['test-id'] + ".json"
def response = read (mockFileName)
This cannot work with all downstream so I need to find a better way.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 63
Reputation: 58058
You can see if the API karate.scenario
gets you what you need. It will return a JSON of metadata about the currently executing Scenario
. I really don't remember if it works for mocks though. If it doesn't, it may need some code contributions.
Upvotes: -1