Reputation: 3
In my renderer, I already implemented a cook torrance dielectric and an oren nayar diffuse, and used that as my top and bottom layer respectively (to try and make a glossy diffuse, with glass on the top).
// Structure courtesy of 14.3.2, pbrt
BSDFSample sample(const ray& r_in, HitInfo& rec, ray& scattered) const override {
HitInfo rec_manip = rec;
BSDFSample absorbed; absorbed.scatter = false;
// Sample BSDF at entrance interface to get initial direction w
bool on_top = rec_manip.front_face;
vec3 outward_normal = rec_manip.front_face ? rec_manip.normal : -rec_manip.normal;
BSDFSample bs = on_top ? top->sample(r_in, rec_manip, scattered) : bottom->sample(r_in, rec_manip, scattered);
if (!bs.scatter) { return absorbed; }
if (dot(rec_manip.normal, bs.scatter_direction) > 0) { return bs; }
vec3 w = bs.scatter_direction;
color f = bs.bsdf_value * fabs(dot(rec_manip.normal, (bs.scatter_direction)));
float pdf = bs.pdf_value;
for (int depth = 0; depth < termination; depth++) {
// Follow random walk through layers to sample layered BSDF
// Possibly terminate layered BSDF sampling with Russian Roulette
float rrBeta = fmax(fmax(f.x(), f.y()), f.z()) / bs.pdf_value;
if (depth > 3 && rrBeta < 0.25) {
float q = fmax(0, 1-rrBeta);
if (random_double() < q) { return absorbed; } // absorb light
// otherwise, account pdf for possibility of termination
pdf *= 1 - q;
// Initialize new surface
std::shared_ptr<material> layer = on_top ? bottom : top;
// Sample layer BSDF for determine new path direction
ray r_new = ray(r_in.origin() - w, w, 0.0);
BSDFSample bs = layer->sample(r_new, rec_manip, scattered);
if (!bs.scatter) { return absorbed; }
f = f * bs.bsdf_value;
pdf = pdf * bs.pdf_value;
w = bs.scatter_direction;
// Return sample if path has left the layers
if (bs.type == BSDF_TYPE::TRANSMISSION) {
BSDF_TYPE flag = dot(outward_normal, w) ? BSDF_TYPE::SPECULAR : BSDF_TYPE::TRANSMISSION;
BSDFSample out_sample;
out_sample.scatter = true;
out_sample.scatter_direction = w;
out_sample.bsdf_value = f;
out_sample.pdf_value = pdf;
out_sample.type = flag;
return out_sample;
f = f * fabs(dot(rec_manip.normal, (bs.scatter_direction)));
// Flip
on_top = !on_top;
rec_manip.front_face = !rec_manip.front_face;
rec_manip.normal = -rec_manip.normal;
return absorbed;
Which is resulting in an absurd amount of absorption of light. I'm aware that the way layered BSDFs are usually simulated typically darkens with a loss of energy...but probably not to this extent?
For context, the setting of the scatter
flag to false just makes the current trace return, effectively returning a blank (or black) sample.
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