Reputation: 9
I am developing a web application using Rust Yew framework and have set up WebSocket communication that works fine when I connect directly to the WebSocket server. However, when routing WebSocket connections through a proxy setup using Trunk and HAProxy, the WebSocket connection is terminated with a 1006 Abnormal Closure error, and I do not receive a close frame. Environment:
Frontend: Rust Yew Backend: Rust with WebSocket support Proxy: HAProxy with additional routing via Trunk
Issue: Direct WebSocket connections to ws:// work perfectly. However, when I attempt to connect through my proxy setup at ws://, the connection is established but then immediately closes with a 1006 error, indicating an abnormal closure. The backend logs show Error (Error { inner: Protocol(ResetWithoutClosingHandshake) }).
Here's the relevant part of my Rust WebSocket service setup:
`impl WebSocketService {
pub fn new(
url_name: &str,
on_message_callback: Callback<String>,
on_open_callback: Callback<()>,
session_id: String,
) -> Rc<Self> {
debug!("***************** websocket address = {}", url_name);
let resources = WebResources::default();
let ws_res=resources.base_path();
let ws = WebSocket::open(&format!("{}/api/v1/ws?user_name={}",ws_res, url_name)).unwrap();
let (write, read) = ws.split();
let ws_write = Rc::new(RefCell::new(write));
let ws_read = Rc::new(RefCell::new(read));
let (in_tx, mut in_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel::<String>(1000);
let message_queue = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new()));
let is_open = Rc::new(RefCell::new(false));
let ping_interval = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
let session_id = Rc::new(RefCell::new(session_id));
let (open_tx, _open_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let open_notifier = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Some(open_tx)));
let message_queue_clone = message_queue.clone();
let is_open_clone = is_open.clone();
let on_open_callback_clone = on_open_callback.clone();
let open_notifier_clone = open_notifier.clone();
let ws_write_clone = ws_write.clone();
let ws_read_clone = ws_read.clone();
let _session_id_clone = session_id.clone();
let _ping_interval_clone = ping_interval.clone();
let ws_write_clone = ws_write_clone.clone();
async move {
while let Some(s) = {
debug!("Attempting to send message: {}", s);
match ws_write_clone.borrow_mut().send(Message::Text(s)).await {
Ok(_) => debug!("Message sent successfully"),
Err(e) => {
console::log_1(&format!("Error sending message: {:?}", e).into());
let ws_read_clone = ws_read_clone.clone();
async move {
while let Some(msg) = ws_read_clone.borrow_mut().next().await {
debug!("Received message or error: {:?}", msg);
match msg {
Ok(Message::Text(data)) => {
console::log_1(&format!("from websocket: {}", data).into());
let v: WsUiResponseMessage =
serde_json::from_str(&data).unwrap_or_else(|_| WsUiResponseMessage
success: false,
session_id: String::new(),
requested_action: WsRequestedAction::ALLOCATED,
state: 0,
api_error: None,
Trunk.toml Configuration
dist = "dist"
address = ""
port = 8888
open = true
no_autoreload = false
filehash = false
ws_protocol = "ws"
backend = "ws://"
rewrite = "/api/"
backend = ""
insecure = true
HAProxy Configuration
frontend main
bind *:5000
acl PATH_ws path_beg -i /api/v1/ws
use_backend be_rust if PATH_ws
backend be_rust
server S1
Direct connection works. Proxy connection gives a 1006 Abnormal Closure error with no close frame received. I suspect there may be a misconfiguration with my proxy handling for WebSockets or a deeper issue with how WebSockets are handled in my Rust setup. How should I adjust my proxy or server settings to maintain a stable WebSocket connection through the proxy? What could be causing these abrupt WebSocket closures and how can I debug this effectively?
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Views: 91