Reputation: 13
so i got json back from an openstack server query, but need to extract the mac address for the server. Getting the name and IP is easy enough but the mac address is hidden behind the vlan and a colon. Can you please help to identify either a json_query or maybe ansible fact play that will get me just the mac address as plain text? Below actual play for this, but getting the mac address fails.
- name: Test getting data from openstack
gather_facts: true
hosts: localhost
become: true
server_name: haproxy1
- name: Retrieve list of all servers in this project
auth_url: '{{ os_auth_url }}'
username: '{{ os_username }}'
password: '{{ os_password }}'
project_name: '{{ os_project_name }}'
user_domain_name: '{{ os_user_domain_name }}'
project_domain_name: "{{ os_project_domain_name }}"
validate_certs: false
register: servers
- name: get the server MAC address table
server_mac_table: "{{servers | community.general.json_query(jmespath_mac) }}"
jmespath_mac: "servers[?name == '{{ server_name }}'].addresses"
register: results
- debug:
- name: get only the server MAC address
any_server_mac: "{{servers | community.general.json_query(jmespath_mac) | replace('[','' ) | replace(']','' ) }}"
jmespath_mac: "servers[?name == '{{ server_name }}'].{addresses.VLAN-199.0S-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr}"
register: results
- debug:
so the task to get the mac address json produces the below output.
TASK [get the server MAC address table] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [debug] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"results": {
"ansible_facts": {
"server_mac_table": [
"VLAN-199": [
"OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:0b:ab:f2:9a:20",
"OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed",
"addr": "",
"version": 4
"changed": false,
"failed": false
So, I need to construct a play for json_query or ansible fact to replace this play
your help would be greatly appreciated
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Views: 63