Reputation: 1
I'm in need of some help with the following: Upon verifying the actual body content to be equal to the expected I run into the following issue:
CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE -> Expected vs Actual body comparison
So the only difference here is the [equalTo] value, making my test fail.
Below is part of my test setup where equalTo() is being used inside the withRequestBody().
public class MYTestIT {
private static final String ENTITY_SAMPLE =
( "Entity{entity=<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">"
+ "<SOAP-ENV:Header><requestingParty xmlns=\"\">12345678"
+ "</requestingParty></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"UTF-8\"><note>\n"
+ "<to>Tove</to>\n"
+ "<from>Jani</from>\n"
+ "<heading>Reminder</heading>\n"
+ "<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>\n"
+ "</note></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>, variant=Variant[mediaType=application/xml;charset=UTF-8, language=null, encoding=null], annotations=[]}" );
void requestBodyTest() {
// Call expected to get triggered
wireMock.register( post( urlEqualTo( "/my/url" ) ).willReturn( aResponse()
.withStatus( Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode() )
.withHeader( "Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML )
.withBody( "<somexml/>" ) ) );
// Call to eventually trigger call above
.auth().preemptive().basic( "john.doe", "password" )
.post( "/api/v2/uploads" )
.statusCode( RestResponse.StatusCode.CREATED );
// Asserting the requestbody of the triggered request to equal ENTITY_SAMPLE
wireMock.verifyThat( postRequestedFor( urlEqualTo( "/my/url" ) ).withRequestBody( equalTo( ENITTY_SAMPLE ) ) );
I've tried multiple variants with contains(), matching(...), but often with the same result.
Looking forward to your response.
I've tried multiple variants with contains(), matching(...), but often with the same result.
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Views: 113