Reputation: 15
I am trying to build a binary tree with a array. I want to take the array, find the root and split right and left side, then perform the same split on each side if needed until two numbers are left and the lowest goes left and the highest goes right. The left side numbers will be lower than the right side numbers.
I have rewrote code in the past day to 2 different versions I erased what I had prior. Still a bit unsure but both are working
Version 1 - This is my working version i am moving forward with. I tried to do this tons of ways and had a break through last night.
class Node {
this.value = value;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
class BinarySearchTree{
this.arr = arr
this.root = null
buildtree(arr) {
if (arr.length <= 0) { return null }
let mid = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
let root = new Node(arr[mid])
root.left = this.buildtree(arr.slice(0, mid))
root.right = this.buildtree(arr.slice(mid + 1))
return root
return "this is working"
//const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
let arr = [1, 7, 4, 23, 8, 9, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 67, 6345, 324]
const bst = new BinarySearchTree(arr)
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version 2
class Node {
this.value = value;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
class BinarySearchTree {
this.arr = arr
this.root = null
buildtree(arr) {
if (arr.length <= 0) { return null}
let root = this.root
//console.log(root) null
let mid = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
//console.log(nums[mid])3-just mid and 4-mid nums
root = new Node(arr[mid])
let lSide = arr.slice(0, mid)
console.log(lSide, "left side, unused")
let rSide = arr.slice(mid + 1, arr.length)
console.log(rSide, "right side unused")
console.log(lSide.length, rSide.length)
//while there is something in the queue of each mini array
//total length of array to use as a counter
let totalLength = lSide.length + rSide.length
for(let i = 0; i <= lSide.length; i++){
//console.log(i) I got 7 loops through
//if left side greater 3 and not = null
if (lSide.length >= 3){
//Get the middle of the left side
let lMid = Math.floor(lSide.length / 2)
let parent = new Node(lSide[lMid])
root.left = parent
if (lSide.length <= 3){
if(lSide[0] < lSide[2]){
//create a node for leaf
let childL = new Node(lSide[0])
let childR = new Node(lSide[2])
//set parent node to left
let parent = root.left
//assign the chile node
parent.left = childL
parent.right = childR
} else{
let childR = new Node(lSide[0])
let childL = new Node(lSide[2])
let parent = root.right
parent.right = childR
parent.left = childL
} else{
let mid = Math.floor(lSide.length / 2)
let lmid = lSide[mid]
let leftSplits = lSide.slice(0, mid)
let rightSplits = lSide.slice(mid + 1, lSide.length)
let parent = root.left
let midl = Math.floor(leftSplits.length / 2)
let midr = Math.floor(rightSplits.length / 2)
let childL = new Node(leftSplits[midl])
parent.left = childL
let childR = new Node(rightSplits[midr])
parent.right = childR
childL.left = leftSplits[0]
childL.right = leftSplits[2]
childR.left = rightSplits[0]
childR.right = rightSplits[2]
for(let j = 0; j <= lSide.length; j++){
if(rSide.length >= 3){
//Get the middle of the left side
let rMid = Math.floor(rSide.length / 2)
//let mid = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
let mid = rSide[rMid]
let parent = new Node(mid)
root.right = parent
if (rSide.length <= 3){
if(rSide[0] < rSide[2]){
let childL = new Node(rSide[0])
let childR = new Node(rSide[2])
let parent = root.right
// console.log(parent)
parent.left = childL
parent.right = childR
} else{
//console.log("another test")
let childR = new Node(rSide[0])
let childL = new Node(rSide[2])
let parent = root.right
parent.right = childR
parent.left = childL
} else {
let mid = Math.floor(rSide.length / 2)
let leftSplits = rSide.slice(0, mid)
let rightSplits = rSide.slice(mid + 1, rSide.length)
let parent = root.right
let midl = Math.floor(leftSplits.length / 2)
let midr = Math.floor(rightSplits.length / 2)
let childL = new Node(leftSplits[midl])
parent.left = childL
let childR = new Node(rightSplits[midr])
parent.right = childR
childL.left = leftSplits[0]
childL.right = leftSplits[2]
childR.left = rightSplits[0]
childR.right = rightSplits[2]
return root
} //class
//const nums2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
const nums2 = [1, 7, 4, 23, 8, 9, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 67, 6345, 324]
const bst = new BinarySearchTree(nums2)
They both work and I was thinking version #2 is not recursive but not sure
Upvotes: -2
Views: 90
Reputation: 22
To build a binary search tree (BST) from a sorted array, we can recursively choose the middle element of the array as the root node, and then recursively build the left subtree from the left half of the array and the right subtree from the right half. Your logic is on the right track, but there are a few issues with your approach, particularly with the recursive structure.
The key to solving the problem is:
Use the middle element of the array as the root. Recursively divide the left and right subarrays and assign them as the left and right children of the current node. Base case: if the array has 1 or 2 elements, handle them appropriately by ensuring the smaller value goes to the left and the larger one to the right.
class Node {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
class BinarySearchTree {
constructor(nums) {
this.nums = nums;
this.root = this.buildtree(nums);
buildtree(nums) {
// Base case: If no elements, return null
if (nums.length === 0) return null;
// Find the middle element of the array
let mid = Math.floor(nums.length / 2);
let node = new Node(nums[mid]);
// Recursively build the left and right subtrees
node.left = this.buildtree(nums.slice(0, mid)); // Left subarray
node.right = this.buildtree(nums.slice(mid + 1)); // Right subarray
return node; // Return the current node (root of the subtree)
// Test the implementation
const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
const bst = new BinarySearchTree(nums);
// Function to print the tree structure (for testing)
function printTree(node, level = 0) {
if (node !== null) {
printTree(node.right, level + 1);
console.log(" ".repeat(4 * level) + "-> " + node.value);
printTree(node.left, level + 1);
Upvotes: 0