
Reputation: 775

How to best solve partial differential equations in python accurately but quickly

Trying to reproduce 4.1.3 Emission from Solid Materials as per this PDF.

Produced this version of the model and this is the best I have gotten.

# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# -------------------------------
# Constants
# -------------------------------
R_J_per_mol_K = 8.314                                      # Universal gas constant [J/(mol·K)]

# -------------------------------
# Scenario Selection
# -------------------------------
selected_scenario = 1                                       # Change this to select scenarios (1, 2, or 3)

# -------------------------------
# Input Parameters
# -------------------------------
# General Parameters (Common across all scenarios)
body_weight_kg = 60                                         # Body weight [kg]
frequency_per_year = 1                                      # Frequency of exposure [per year]

# Scenario Specific Parameters
if selected_scenario == 1:
    # Scenario 1 (Base Scenario)
    product_surface_area_cm2 = 10                           # Product surface area [cm²]
    product_thickness_mm = 5                                # Product thickness [mm]
    product_density_g_per_cm3 = 0.1                         # Product density [g/cm³]
    diffusion_coefficient_m2_per_s = 1E-08                  # Diffusion coefficient [m²/s]
    weight_fraction_substance = 0.6                         # Weight fraction of the substance [fraction]
    product_air_partition_coefficient = 0.5                 # Product/air partition coefficient [-]
    room_volume_m3 = 0.5                                    # Room volume [m³]
    ventilation_rate_per_hour = 58                          # Ventilation rate [per hour]
    inhalation_rate_m3_per_hour = 10                        # Inhalation rate [m³/hr]
    start_exposure_h = 1                                    # Start exposure time [hours]
    exposure_duration_h = 2                                 # Exposure duration [hours]
    mass_transfer_coefficient_m_per_h = 10                  # Mass transfer coefficient [m/h]
    absorption_fraction = 1                                 # Absorption fraction [fraction]

# -------------------------------
# Unit Conversions
# -------------------------------
product_surface_area_m2 = product_surface_area_cm2 / 10000  # Convert cm² to m²
product_thickness_m = product_thickness_mm / 1000           # Convert mm to m
product_density_kg_per_m3 = product_density_g_per_cm3 * 1000  # Convert g/cm³ to kg/m³
mass_transfer_coefficient_m_per_s = mass_transfer_coefficient_m_per_h / 3600  # Convert m/h to m/s
ventilation_rate_per_s = ventilation_rate_per_hour / 3600   # Convert per hour to per second
start_exposure_s = start_exposure_h * 3600                  # Convert hours to seconds
exposure_duration_s = exposure_duration_h * 3600            # Convert hours to seconds
total_emission_time_s = start_exposure_s + exposure_duration_s  # Total time to simulate [s]
frequency_per_day = frequency_per_year / 365                # Frequency per day
inhalation_rate_m3_per_s = inhalation_rate_m3_per_hour / 3600  # Convert inhalation rate from m³/h to m³/s

# -------------------------------
# Initial Concentrations
# -------------------------------
volume_material_m3 = product_surface_area_m2 * product_thickness_m  # Volume of material [m³]
mass_material_kg = volume_material_m3 * product_density_kg_per_m3   # Mass of material [kg]
mass_substance_initial_kg = mass_material_kg * weight_fraction_substance  # Initial mass of substance [kg]
concentration_initial_kg_per_m3 = mass_substance_initial_kg / volume_material_m3  # Initial concentration [kg/m³]
N = 1000                                                    # Reduced number of layers for faster computation
dx = product_thickness_m / (N - 1)                         # Spatial step size [m]
t_eval = np.linspace(0, total_emission_time_s, 2000)       # Time points for evaluation

# -------------------------------
# Emission Model Definition
# -------------------------------
# Precompute constants
D = diffusion_coefficient_m2_per_s
hm = mass_transfer_coefficient_m_per_s
K = product_air_partition_coefficient
S = product_surface_area_m2
V = room_volume_m3
q = ventilation_rate_per_s

def emission_model(t, y):
    C = y[:-1]                                             # Concentration in the material layers [kg/m³]
    y_air = y[-1]                                          # Air concentration [kg/m³]
    dCdt = np.zeros_like(C)

    # No-flux boundary condition at x=0 (back surface)
    dCdt[0] = D * (C[1] - C[0]) / dx**2                    # Diffusion at back surface [kg/(m²·s²)]
    # Diffusion in the material
    for i in range(1, N - 1):
        dCdt[i] = D * (C[i + 1] - 2 * C[i] + C[i - 1]) / dx**2  # Diffusion in layers [kg/(m²·s²)]

    # Flux boundary condition at x=L (front surface)
    J_diff = -D * (C[N - 1] - C[N - 2]) / dx               # Diffusion flux at surface [kg/(m²·s)]
    J_air = hm * (C[N - 1] / K - y_air)                    # Mass transfer to air [kg/(m²·s)]

    dCdt[N - 1] = D * (C[N - 2] - C[N - 1]) / dx**2 - J_air / dx  # Change in surface layer concentration [kg/m³/s]

    dy_air_dt = (S / V) * hm * (C[N - 1] / K - y_air) - q * y_air  # Change in air concentration [kg/m³/s]

    return np.concatenate((dCdt, [dy_air_dt]))

# -------------------------------
# Initial Conditions
# -------------------------------
C0 = np.full(N, concentration_initial_kg_per_m3)           # Initial concentration in material layers [kg/m³]
y_air_0 = 0.0                                              # Initial air concentration [kg/m³]
y0 = np.concatenate((C0, [y_air_0]))                       # Initial condition vector

# -------------------------------
# Solve the ODE system with BDF solver for speed and accuracy
# -------------------------------
solution = solve_ivp(emission_model, [0, total_emission_time_s], y0, t_eval=t_eval, method='BDF', vectorized=False)

# Extract results
C_material = solution.y[:-1, :]                            # Material concentrations over time [kg/m³]
y_air = solution.y[-1, :]                                  # Air concentrations over time [kg/m³]
time = solution.t                                          # Time vector [s]

# -------------------------------
# Extract Air Concentration during Exposure
# -------------------------------
exposure_indices = np.where((time >= start_exposure_s) & (time <= start_exposure_s + exposure_duration_s))[0]
y_air_exposure = y_air[exposure_indices]                    # Air concentrations during exposure period [kg/m³]
time_exposure = time[exposure_indices]                      # Time during exposure period [s]

# Check for valid exposure period
if len(exposure_indices) == 0:
    print("No exposure period found. Check start and duration times.")

# -------------------------------
# Results Formatting
# -------------------------------
def format_value(value):
    """Format a number in scientific notation with one decimal place."""
    return f"{value:.1e}"

# -------------------------------
# Display Results
# -------------------------------
C_air_mg_per_m3 = y_air_exposure * 1e6                      # Convert air concentration to mg/m³
C_mean_event_mg_per_m3 = np.trapz(C_air_mg_per_m3, time_exposure) / (time_exposure[-1] - time_exposure[0])  # Mean event concentration [mg/m³]
C_mean_day_mg_per_m3 = (C_mean_event_mg_per_m3 * exposure_duration_s) / (24 * 3600)  # Mean concentration on day of exposure [mg/m³]
C_year_avg_mg_per_m3 = C_mean_day_mg_per_m3 * frequency_per_day  # Year average concentration [mg/m³]
Inhalation_volume_event_m3 = inhalation_rate_m3_per_s * exposure_duration_s  # Inhalation volume during exposure [m³]
Dose_external_event_mg_per_kg_bw = (C_mean_event_mg_per_m3 * Inhalation_volume_event_m3) / body_weight_kg  # External event dose [mg/kg bw]
Dose_external_day_mg_per_kg_bw = Dose_external_event_mg_per_kg_bw  # External dose on day of exposure [mg/kg bw]
Dose_internal_event_mg_per_kg_bw = Dose_external_event_mg_per_kg_bw * absorption_fraction  # Internal event dose [mg/kg bw]
Dose_internal_day_mg_per_kg_bw = Dose_internal_event_mg_per_kg_bw  # Internal dose on day of exposure [mg/kg bw]
Dose_internal_year_avg_mg_per_kg_bw_per_day = Dose_internal_day_mg_per_kg_bw * frequency_per_day  # Internal year average dose [mg/kg bw/day]

# Display Results
print(f"Mean Event Concentration: {format_value(C_mean_event_mg_per_m3)} mg/m³")
print(f"Mean Concentration on Day of Exposure: {format_value(C_mean_day_mg_per_m3)} mg/m³")
print(f"Year Average Concentration: {format_value(C_year_avg_mg_per_m3)} mg/m³")
print(f"External Event Dose: {format_value(Dose_external_event_mg_per_kg_bw)} mg/kg bw")
print(f"External Dose on Day of Exposure: {format_value(Dose_external_day_mg_per_kg_bw)} mg/kg bw")
print(f"Internal Event Dose: {format_value(Dose_internal_event_mg_per_kg_bw)} mg/kg bw")
print(f"Internal Dose on Day of Exposure: {format_value(Dose_internal_day_mg_per_kg_bw)} mg/kg bw/day")
print(f"Internal Year Average Dose: {format_value(Dose_internal_year_avg_mg_per_kg_bw_per_day)} mg/kg bw/day")

# -------------------------------
# Additional Calculations for Plots
# -------------------------------
total_duration_s = start_exposure_s + exposure_duration_s   # Total duration [s]
t_s_plot = np.linspace(0, total_duration_s, num=1000)      # Time vector for plotting [s]
C_t_kg_per_m3 = np.interp(t_s_plot, time, y_air)           # Interpolated air concentration over time [kg/m³]
C_t_mg_per_m3 = C_t_kg_per_m3 * 1e6                        # Convert air concentration to mg/m³
delta_t_s = t_s_plot[1] - t_s_plot[0]                      # Time step [s]
delta_inhaled_volume_m3 = inhalation_rate_m3_per_s * delta_t_s  # Inhaled volume per time step [m³]
exposure_mask = t_s_plot >= start_exposure_s               # Mask for exposure period
incremental_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw = np.zeros_like(t_s_plot)  # Initialize dose array
incremental_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw[exposure_mask] = (C_t_mg_per_m3[exposure_mask] * delta_inhaled_volume_m3) / body_weight_kg  # Incremental dose [mg/kg bw]
cumulative_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw = np.cumsum(incremental_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw)  # Cumulative external dose [mg/kg bw]
cumulative_internal_dose_mg_per_kg_bw = cumulative_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw * absorption_fraction  # Cumulative internal dose [mg/kg bw]

# -------------------------------
# Visualization
# -------------------------------
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(24, 6))             # Create a figure with three subplots

# 1. Air Concentration Over Time
axs[0].plot(t_s_plot / 3600, C_t_mg_per_m3, label='Air Concentration (mg/m³)', color='blue')
axs[0].set_title('Air Concentration Over Time')
axs[0].set_xlabel('Time (hours)')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Concentration (mg/m³)')
axs[0].axvline(x=start_exposure_s / 3600, color='red', linestyle='--', label='Exposure Start')
axs[0].axvline(x=(start_exposure_s + 15 * 60) / 3600, color='green', linestyle='--', label='15 min after Exposure Start')

# 2. Cumulative External Dose Over Time
axs[1].plot(t_s_plot / 3600, cumulative_external_dose_mg_per_kg_bw, label='Cumulative External Dose (mg/kg bw)', color='orange')
axs[1].set_title('External Dose Over Time')
axs[1].set_xlabel('Time (hours)')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Dose (mg/kg bw)')
axs[1].axvline(x=start_exposure_s / 3600, color='red', linestyle='--', label='Exposure Start')

# 3. Cumulative Internal Dose Over Time (Adjusted for absorption)
axs[2].plot(t_s_plot / 3600, cumulative_internal_dose_mg_per_kg_bw, label='Cumulative Internal Dose (mg/kg bw)', color='green')
axs[2].set_title('Internal Dose Over Time')
axs[2].set_xlabel('Time (hours)')
axs[2].set_ylabel('Dose (mg/kg bw)')
axs[2].axvline(x=start_exposure_s / 3600, color='red', linestyle='--', label='Exposure Start')

plt.tight_layout()                                        # Adjust layout for clarity                                                # Show the plots

# -------------------------------
# End of Script
# -------------------------------


Mean Event Concentration: 1.3e-01 mg/m³
Mean Concentration on Day of Exposure: 1.1e-02 mg/m³
Year Average Concentration: 2.9e-05 mg/m³
External Event Dose: 4.3e-02 mg/kg bw
External Dose on Day of Exposure: 4.3e-02 mg/kg bw
Internal Event Dose: 4.3e-02 mg/kg bw
Internal Dose on Day of Exposure: 4.3e-02 mg/kg bw/day
Internal Year Average Dose: 1.2e-04 mg/kg bw/day

enter image description here


enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Mean event concentration
1.2 × 10⁻¹  mg/m³
average air concentration on exposure event. Note: depends strongly on chosen exposure duration
Mean concentration on day of exposure
9.6 × 10⁻³  mg/m³
average air concentration over the day (accounts for the number of events on one day)
Year average concentration
2.6 × 10⁻⁵  mg/m³
mean daily air concentration averaged over a year
External event dose
3.8 × 10⁻²  mg/kg bw
the amount that can potentially be absorbed per kg body weight during one event
External dose on day of exposure
3.8 × 10⁻²  mg/kg bw
the amount that can potentially be absorbed per kg body weight during one day
Internal event dose
3.8 × 10⁻²  mg/kg bw
absorbed dose per kg body weight during one exposure event
Internal dose on day of exposure
3.8 × 10⁻²  mg/kg bw/day
absorbed dose per kg body weight during one day. Note: these can be higher than the ‘event dose’ for exposure frequencies larger than 1 per day.
Internal year average dose
1.1 × 10⁻⁴  mg/kg bw/day
daily absorbed dose per kg body weight averaged over a year.

so 2 issues:

  1. The results dont match nearly as much as I would like.
  2. It's can be very slow to load. I have adapted it to be quicker but still If I increase the layers to get a more accurate results it's painful slow and not all that much more accurate.

When I compare this to the web based application I am using to get the expected results these are almost instant.

So really I have just a few questions.

Anyone familiar with PDE/ODE and Mass transfer coefficients. What is the best way to solve this?

I feel this script is perhaps a very inefficient way to reproduce the model.

Upvotes: -1

Views: 72

Answers (1)

Dr. V
Dr. V

Reputation: 1914

This may not be understood as a complete answer, as there is likely more potential, as e.g. to provide the Jacobian analytically (or e.g. by using casadi), but I doubled the speed roughly by three little things:

  1. You do not need to evaluate 2000 time steps. The integrator takes care of the accuracy. The t_eval parameter only says how much you need to have reported:

    t_eval = np.linspace(0, total_emission_time_s, 50)  # 50 is enough
  2. You can use np.empty_like to avoid initialisation, which is not necessary, as you overwrite all values subsequently:

    dCdt = np.empty_like(C)
  3. This is the main improvement: Instead of the for-loop, do this:

    # Diffusion in the material
    dCdt[1:-1] = D * (C[2:] - 2 * C[1:-1] + C[:-2]) / dx ** 2

Now, I also get the same results as you (no surprise), but maybe the reference graphs are integrated less precise than yours - and therefore as well faster!?

Upvotes: 1

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